Page 2 of Kenji
“I just want atable – a suitable one for a group of five. Is that too much toask?” Benny’s eyes flared. “I’m not only acustomer who has been supporting you and your wife’srestaurants for years, but I’m also a friend.”
“Making a sceneisn’t going to get you what you want.” Kane steered himfirmly away from the reception area and into a huge pantry. With acurt nod of his head, he sent the employees stacking the shelvesscurrying out. “We’re booked solid for the next tenweeks- “
“I’d liketo think I warrant some sort of special treatment.” His wateryblue eyes sought out Chantelle who returned his gaze withoutflinching. She was extremely good under pressure and didn’tallow herself to be intimidated. Kane admired that about her.
“And being afriend should ensure that you understand the situation here.”Chantelle’s sultry voice was more than a little frosty as shestared at the balding man. “We don’t overbook, ever. Thereputation of this fine eating establishment is based on us keepingour word and not making promises that we can’t keep.”
“You haveno right- “
“She has everyright. She’s the manager here and will do whatever she deemsfit.” Kane’s voice was brittle hard. Taking out hisphone, he made a call. “Darling, I need your help.”
Chantelle watched thetransformation on Kane's face in amazement. It wasn’t the firsttime she’d witnessed it of course. She’d met Kellyseveral times and seen how she somehow managed to turn the otherwisesecretive Kane into a puddle. The love the two shared was so obviousand glaring that anyone could see it.
He had eyes for noone else. She’d also seen women eyeballing him whenever hewalked into a room, but it was as if they were invisible. He sharedsomething potent and wonderful with his wife and it shows.
"You have areservation at my wife's midtown restaurant." His expression hadchanged and his voice cooled as he addressed Benny. "They’rewaiting for you."
Benny had the graceto look ashamed. "Thank you." He muttered, shoving hishands into the pockets of his trousers. “I- Ah- I guess I’dbetter go on then."
"That's a goodidea."
With a nod at both ofthem, he scurried out.
"I should’vebeen able to handle that on my own."
"You did verywell under the circumstances."
"I interruptedyou."
"Kenji canwait." He gave her a slight smile, dark eyes watchful. "You’redoing an excellent job, Chantelle."
"Thanks, Kane."She turned to leave. "If you have time later on, I need todiscuss something with you."
"You’renot planning on leaving, are you?"
She gave him astartled look. "Absolutely not."
"Good. I’llmake time."
He watched as shewalked away and stood there for a minute in contemplation. An ideawas forming inside his head. He didn‘t interfere in people'slives and wasn’t into matchmaking.
He left that entirelyto his beautiful wife. He’d seen the chemistry or rather theresentment simmering between Kenji and his manager. There wassomething there. Chuckling softly, he strode out of the room and wentback to his office.
Chantelle slipped outof her shoes and padded barefoot into the kitchen to make herself apot of tea. It’d been a hectic evening and she was feeling thefatigue course through her body. The movement behind her had herturning and smiling.
Bending at the waist,she scooped the cat up and tickled its belly and was rewarded by asultry purr. "Missed me, did you?" She murmured, movingtowards the kitchen where she put the kettle on. "I brought atreat for you."
The cream and brownbundle of fur jumped out of her arm and padded over to the bowl."Some cream from the restaurant, some of the best, in myopinion." She poured the cream out of the container and watchedas Tabby lapped it up eagerly.
"You'd think Inever fed you." Shaking her head, she went to the cupboard tograb a box of herbal tea. Shaking a teabag out, she put it into thecup and waited for the water to start boiling.
She was tired, butpleasantly so and didn’t mind she had to be on the floor. Sheenjoyed putting out fires with the very moody and excitable chef andtrying to attend to the needs of the VIP’s who poured into therestaurant.
Kane had poached herfrom a very lucrative position at a corporate office when he camethere for a meeting and she’d denied him access to heremployer. He’d simply dropped in without an appointment andtold her arrogantly he was a friend and was in the neighborhood.