Page 1 of Kenji
Chapter 1
Kane watched as theyounger man flicked the flavored cigar, and it landed in the crystalashtray. It was still smoldering, the thin smoke spiraling upward. Hehadn’t bothered to remind him that this was a non-smoking area.It probably wouldn’t have made a difference.
“Your silencespeaks volumes.”
Kenji turned to walkover to the large bay window. He had a restless energy and cat-likegrace that was unmistakable.
There was also arestrained power about his long, lean body that couldn’t behidden. He was a fighting machine, having spent most of his lifetraining in taekwondo. His life was one problem after another. Kanewas trying to shield him from the next one.
“I need to goback.”
“You need tostay put for the time being.”
“You’renot my father,” Kenji growled.
“You’remy beloved aunt’s son, and if I have to tie you to the chairand lock you up, I will do.”
Kane dragged hisfingers through his dark hair, cut fashionably short, impatiently.“Look, a year ago, they came after you and almost succeeded inending you.”
“Ending me?”Kenji’s thick dark brows lifted. “It sounds like someonehas been watching too many action movies.”
“Kelly’sinfluence,” Kane muttered, the faint embarrassment coloring histone. “My point is-“ They both looked over at thediscreet knock on the door before it was pushed open.
“I’msorry to interrupt.” The sleek and stylishly beautiful womanbarely glanced at Kenji as she came into the room, bringing with herthe scent of her exotic perfume.
“That’sfine, Chantelle.” He offered her a smile. “What is it?”
“A bit ofoverbooking and some ruffled feathers. I could use your kind ofinfluence. Benny Lassiter is being an asshole.”
Kane hid a smile atthe woman’s bluntness, dark eyes twinkling. “I’llbe right there.”
“Thanks.”With a regal nod, she exited the room and closed the door behind her.
“She lookedright through me,” Kenji told himself that it shouldn’tmatter, but ever since he’d met her two months ago, there’dbeen fireworks between them, and not in a good way.
“You did remindher last time you were here she was just an employee.”
“Well, isn’tshe?”
“She is muchmore than that, Kenji, and I don’t need you coming here andstirring up my staff.” He pushed back from his massive desk androse gracefully to his feet. “Stay put, will you? I’m notthrough with the conversation.”
“I havesomewhere- “
“Give me a fewminutes.” Kane growled. “You owe me that.” Beforehe could protest, Kane was out the door, leaving Kenji staring afterhim in frustrated anger. Hissing out a breath, he went for therecessed liquor cabinet and poured himself some of his cousin’svery expensive scotch.
Taking it with him,he wandered restlessly over to the sofa in the corner of the room.Rolling the glass between his palms, he stared broodingly into theamber liquid. He was pissed at the world. His life had been a seriesof drama that he could do without.
The attempt on hislife last year had shaken him badly. Despite being warned, he’dgone to the country where he holds second citizenship, the verycountry where his father and uncle had been assassinated.
They had businessinterests there and Kenji was now the heir of the vast holdings.Taking a sip of the scotch, he leaned back and closed his eyes. Itwasn’t because of some business venture gone wrong; it was justan element of evil that had risen up against the wealthy.
He was aKorean-American and had been born in this country. His parents wereboth Korean and the culture as well as the language had been drummedinto him since birth. He’d been given the best of education. Hewas also taught to be loyal to his heritage.
Tossing back thedrink, he went to pour himself another, this time standing by thewindow to stare broodingly. The fall weather was in full swing and itwas evident in the multi-colored leaves drifting to the lush greengrass.
This restaurant wasthe latest of Kane’s acquisitions and it was already makingwaves. The land was a prime area and offered quaint outdoor eatingspace – chairs and tables beneath canopies.
At the far side ofthe grounds, there was a raised dais with a sprinkle of dazzlinglywhite table and chairs which will be used for special events. Hisphone beeped in the pocket of his slacks and jarred him from hiscontemplation.