Page 64 of Unforgettable
My hands begin to tremble from the effort it’s taking not to let my emotions overwhelm me.
Deep breaths.
You can fix things with Lily when you’re back in New York.
When I walk into my apartment, I feel numb from the heartache.
I shove my luggage to the side and turn to face Harper. There’s so much concern on her face it makes me feel like crying, which is something I haven’t done since Dylan’s funeral.
“Take a seat on the couch and tell me everything,” she says.
When we sit down, I shake my head. “I already told you everything.” My shoulders shudder under the weight of the pain. “Lily ended things without giving me a chance to explain.”
“What did she say?”
I shrug out of my jacket, and resting my forearms on my thighs, I stare at the coffee table.
“She said she can’t be with a volatile person like me.”
“Let me get this straight.” Harper tilts her head. “You come face-to-face with the man who killed Dylan. You lose your shit. Somehow, Lily ends up between the two of you as you take a swing at him, but you stop short of hitting her?” Her eyes meet mine. “Am I right?”
“Yes. Then I left the party. I shouted at Lily and told her to get out of the car.” I give Harper a pleading look. “I didn’t want her to see me in such a state, and I needed to get to my Dad. That’s all I could think of doing while I was losing my fucking mind.”
Harper shakes her head. “Look, I understand you might’ve given her a fright, but that’s a gross overreaction, Callan. Everyone knows you’re not a volatile person. It’s the biggest load of bullshit.”
I rest my head in my hands, and closing my eyes, I whisper, “It hurts. So fucking much. I thought we meant more to each other.”
Harper comes to sit next to me and rubs my back. “I’m here for you.”
It feels as if Lily ripped my heart out of my chest.
How do I let her go? It’s impossible.
“Take the week off. I’ll make sure everything runs smoothly at work.”
I can only nod as wave after wave of despair tries to drag me down.
“I’ll have your new phone delivered to you.” Harper gives me a quick sideways hug before getting up. “Call me or Daniel if you need anything. We’ll come over in a heartbeat.”
“Thanks, Harper.” I can’t lift my head to even look at my friend. “I just want to be alone.”
“I’m still going to check in on you,” she mutters, and I hear her walk to the elevator. “Eat something and get rest.”
I nod but have no intention of doing either of those things.
When I hear the elevator open and close, I slump back against the couch and let out an anguished groan.
Finally alone in the safety of my apartment, I let go of the tight grip on my emotions.
My entire world shudders around me.
I see Lily’s beautiful smile.
I can still feel her in my arms.
I can still taste her.
How could she just decide we’re over?
I gasp through the unrelenting heartache while gripping my hair.
“Christ, Lily,” I groan.
How do I forget about her and just go on with my life as if we never happened?
How do I stop loving her?
Chapter 36
I tried to call Harper again, but she was out of the office. I left my new number with her assistant and pray she returns my call.
Until then, there’s not much I can do.
If Callan weren’t in Houston, I’d freaking camp outside The Ritz until I got to see him.
Feeling absolutely lost, I stare at the art pieces that are not my best work. I check my finances and feel a little anxious about buying new supplies.
There’s no way I can sell the old stuff.
God, I only have four days to create pieces I can sell on Saturday.
With my stress levels sky-high, I leave the house again to run to the store where I always get my supplies.
I’m careful with what I place in the cart, not wanting to overspend.
Before I get to the counter to pay, my phone starts to ring. My breaths explode over my lips, and I quickly dig the device out of my handbag.
“Lillian? It’s Harper. I’m returning your call.”
“Thank God,” I breathe. “I know Callan is in Houston for business, but can you get a message to him?”
“Actually, he’s home.” I hear her take a deep breath, then her voice comes clipped over the line. “Lillian, don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
He never went to Houston?
Confused, I whisper, “What?”
“Things are over between you and Callan. The least you can do is leave him alone.”
My entire body goes numb from shock.
“Look, I understand things got out of hand on Saturday, but Callan didn’t deserve any of this.” I hear another voice in the background, then Harper says, “I have to go. Keep well, Lillian.”