Page 63 of Unforgettable
Callan: Are you really not going to talk to me?
It only takes seconds before she responds.
Lily: I told you to leave me alone. There’s nothing to talk about. What you did was unforgivable, and I would be stupid to continue a relationship with a man who can turn violent at the drop of a hat. WE ARE OVER.
Angry and fucking hurt, I throw the device, and it shatters against a wall.
One of the security guards comes rushing out of the building. “Sir? Are you okay?”
I hold up a hand, and try to breathe through the rage, before I say, “Have someone clean up the mess.”
“Yes, sir.”
Linking my hands behind my head, I gasp for air.
Lily fucking ended things without even giving me a chance to explain. I can’t fucking believe it.
“Fuck,” I shout, my heart turning to dust in my chest. “Fuck,” I gasp, struggling to come to terms with the fact that we’re over.
I don’t know how long I stand on the sidewalk with my life in pieces by my feet.
Paul comes rushing out, concern etched on his face. “Mr. Wright? Are you okay?”
I shake my head. “I have to return to New York. I’ll send Mrs. Jones in my stead.”
I can’t focus on work right now.
I can’t focus on anything but the anger and heartbreak Lily has caused me.
“Is there anything I can help with?”
“Arrange for my private jet to be ready for take-off and a car to take me to the airport.”
“I’ll take care of everything. Please come inside. You can wait in my office.”
I walk back into the building, and when I enter Paul’s office, I pick up the earpiece of his desk phone and dial Harper’s number.
Christ, Lily. Did we mean so little to you?
How the fuck can she just end things like this?
“How did the meeting go?” she answers.
“I’m coming back. Sorry to drop this on your shoulders, but can you take over?”
“Why? What’s going on?”
Another wave of pain rips through my heart.
“Lily ended things between us. I need time…” my voice disappears.
“Jesus, Callan. I’ll call all the branches and push the meetings up. Don’t worry about work. Are you okay?” She pauses, then mutters, “Stupid question.”
“Can you pick me up from the airport?”
“Of course. Let me know what time.”
I sink down on Paul's chair. “I broke my phone. Please send Easton to get me a new one.”
“Okay. What else?”
We can’t be over. Not like this.
I shake my head. “I can’t believe she ended things.”
“Why, though? I thought things were going so well,” Harper asks.
“Saturday night, I ran into Theo Jackson. I had a panic attack and shouted at Lily.” I swallow hard on my actions. “I kicked her out of my car and left her at the party.” Intense shame fills me as I admit, “And I took a swing at Jackson, almost hitting Lily.”
God. What have I done?
“Jesus,” Harper whispers.
“I lost my mind. You know how I get when I have a panic attack.”
Still, it’s no excuse. I lost Lily because I couldn’t control my issues.
“Did you explain it to her?”
I rub my over my eyes. “I tried. She says she refuses to forgive me.”
Her smiling face flashes through my mind, and it causes me immense pain.
“Oh, Callan.” I hear Harper move, her heels echoing on the floor tiles. “I’m so sorry.”
“It is what it is,” I mutter.
Paul comes into the office, and I say, “Hold for me, Harper.” I give him an expectant look.
“The plane will be ready in thirty minutes, and there’s a car waiting to take you wherever you need to go.”
“Thank you.” I check the time on my wristwatch, then tell Harper, “I’m flying out in thirty minutes. I should and in New York at a quarter past two.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Thanks, Harper,” I murmur before ending the call.
Getting up from the chair, I shake Paul’s hand. “Thank you. I apologize for the chaotic day. Keep up the good work.”
“Thank you, Sir. Will Harper be in touch?” he asks as he walks out of his office with me.
We head to the boardroom so I can retrieve my laptop before Paul introduces me to Andrew, who will be my chauffeur.
Having said goodbye to Paul, I leave the building, and once I’m seated in the back seat of the SUV, I instruct Andrew to take me to the hotel.
During the drive, my thoughts revolve around Lily.
We were so fucking happy.
This can’t be how we end.
It just can’t.
My heart beats faster and faster, and when Andrew stops the car at the hotel, I hurry inside to grab my luggage. While I check out, the pain in my heart spreads to my soul.
Keep your shit together until you’re home.
I quickly remove the sedatives from my luggage before allowing Andrew to load it into the trunk. Knowing the pills knock me out, I focus on my breathing and keep counting back from one hundred.