Page 15 of A 4th Full of Rage
Everyone began laughing at Phoe, apart from Vivie, who also had no idea.
“Not quite Phoe, but we understood what you mean,” Autumn finally added.
“Oh, shut up. I’m English, not American. And you all knew what I meant, so nuh,” Phoe retorted.
“Oops, Lowrider’s coming; fill me in later,” Lindsey said and dropped the call.
“Funny as fuck. Let’s get planning; I got a notebook ready,” Marsha exclaimed, and they started the biggest 4th of July party the Hall had ever seen.
“So, babe, you got your own way,” he announced, sliding into bed beside me. I made big eyes at him, and Calamity chuckled as he soothed a strand of hair back behind my ear.
“My own way?”
“Oh, do not play me; I know you better than anyone,” he said.
“Calam, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, baby.”
“Rosie, it’s a good job I love you,” Calamity teased.
“Phoe’s holding a 4th of July party,” I admitted, throwing him a bone.
Calamity peered down at me and sighed before grinning.
“Well aware of that. There’ll be some disgruntled brothers over the next few weeks.”
I surged up and looked him in the eye.
“Calamity, they were smothering us. They didn’t mean bad, but we couldn’t breathe. God, they forget what we’ve survived and come through together. It soon fades from their mind,” I sniped.
“No, it doesn’t, and that’s why they acted as they were. Rosie, you and the old ladies and Hellions are our lifeblood. Everything Rage does is for our families. Am I happy there is a bloodthirsty MC after us? Fuck no. But is curtailing your actions the answer? Again, no. That’ll make you all take risks that we can’t afford. And somebody could get hurt. All I’m asking is don’t push too hard. If you women change overnight, they’ll know they have been played and will react. And that will cause strife,” Calamity exclaimed.
I snuggled into his chest and thought about what he said.
“I better text them, hadn’t I?” I asked.
“Warn them not to crow or perk up too soon. Yeah, the guys gotta work for it, but so have they. And they’ve got to prove they won’t break the trust they are being given. I know they’re all strong and independent but think about it. Most of them are mothers, and we’re worried something bad might happen. We’ve got the right to worry. You have our children, and our entire world revolves around our old lady.”
Yuck, I hated to admit it, but he was right. Shit wasn’t as easy as we liked to pretend. Yes, Rage had been suffocating us, but with honest intentions. They would certainly hate to know they’d been played. But at the same time, we needed our freedom. None of the old ladies were stupid. We knew the risks, all of us were carrying concealed and were alert. The guys had to trust us to take care of ourselves as much as we trusted them to watch their six.
“I love you,” I said, curling into his chest and kissing him.
“Not as much as I love you,” Calamity replied and kissed me back with a wicked glare in his eye.
Chapter Four.
July 4th - Rage
To Drake’s amusement and irritation, the women and Hellions had descended on Reading Hall around eight this morning. Drake heard the commotion, reached out across the bed, and discovered it was empty. No doubt his wife was already up. He’d been in a bad mood when he finally entered the kitchen and found every old lady present.
Luckily for him, Mrs Ames had cooked a massive breakfast, so Drake filled up as he glowered at the excited, chattering women. He wouldn’t admit it, but it did warm his heart as he saw how happy and relaxed they were. This party was exactly what they needed, whether he and the guys liked it or not.
As Drake ate his food, he’d been informed that all his brothers were meeting at Rage, and they were attending the parade. Drake opened his mouth to argue and discovered stern eyes staring at him; in Artemis and Casey’s case, they held a challenge. He meekly agreed and typed his complaints into the group chat he shared with his men. Hiding a laugh as he read back, he found they’d already been bitching.
Things had become easier since Phoe had demanded the party. The old ladies were allowed to go shopping with Phoe’s shadow security, prospects, and two brothers. That had been non-negotiable. The women didn’t care, but he and his brothers nearly died when the old ladies finished their first spree since lockdown. Clearly, they’d been pissed because every woman had done her best to break their husband’s bank card.