Page 14 of A 4th Full of Rage
Drake glowered.
“Woman was doing it with or without my permission. She’s probably Facetiming all the women and organising stuff right now,” Drake complained.
“No truer words said.” Axel nodded his head sagely.
“Well?” Artemis demanded.
I’d retreated to my Chinese room in the tower and was sipping tea.
“It worked, ladies,” I announced, and several crows echoed. Every single old lady was in a conference call with me.
“Ha, told ya Drake would give in,” Marsha cried.
“Told him he had no choice. We were doing this with or without his permission,” Phoe stated.
“Oh, that went down like a ton of bricks,” Rosie commented, and Phoe laughed.
“Yeah, he tried laying down the law, and I left on my sweet merry way. I’m tired of being dictated to like everyone else here. When are they gonna learn that we’re not some feeble, helpless women?” Phoe demanded.
“Speak for yourself,” Sin muttered.
“Hey girl, you are a badass,” Artemis snapped.
“Not like the inner circle,” Sin denied.
“Girl, the way you take on Jett when arguing, no one is going to think you’re weak,” Silvie said with a laugh. Everybody joined in.
“That’s damn true,” Sin agreed.
“And our other plan?” Marsha questioned.
“Calamity’s all over it,” Rosie answered.
“Do you think he guessed?” Phoe asked. Calamity wasn’t stupid and was a great judge of their characters.
“Yeah, but Calamity happens to agree with us. He can see how limited we’ve become. While our meek and mild act may be fooling the brothers, Calamity isn’t. But he won’t tell, not if he wants the good stuff,” Rosie said, giggling.
“Don’t need to hear that from the girl I raised,” Marsha complained as Silvie laughed.
“You make sure you give Calamity the best stuff tonight,” Casey agreed.
Marsha began whistling her denial.
“I will. Now, what are we planning?” Rosie asked.
“A 4th of July party. I have not done one before, although I’ve attended the parades. Drake might keel over if I attempted a parade, but we could have a party here. I’ll get the girls on it to begin organising it,” Phoe answered.
“Will we attend the parade?” Andi quizzed.
“You can, but I plan to sort Reading Hall out. It’s up to you what you’d like to do,” Phoe said.
“Well, I’m okay missing the parade. How about we spend the day here? Kids can enjoy the pool, grills cooking and stuff?” Lindsey suggested.
“Good idea,” Silvie replied.
“This will be the first time since Ghost returned we’ve done anything here. We can make this big. Have banners and streamers decorating the Hall, and we can find some of those blow-up Mr Yankee Doodle things.”