Page 8 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
I watch speechlessly as Fohri runs a disgusting gaze over Ellie, undressing her with his eyes. I already know he’s thinking of what abominable things he’s going to subject her to.
“That will be all,” he snickers before turning to me. “Come on then, let’s get going.”
I look down in disgrace as he walks by me. A wave of shame comes over me for failing to save Ellie from my brother. Her sudden cry snaps me back to reality. We make our way back to the carriages, where Fohri summons a zagfer.
“Get a separate carriage for my dear brother,” he orders.
Why the fuck does he want me to ride alone?I think to myself. One look at Fohri eyeing up Ellie tells me all I need to know.Oh no… There’s no way I’m letting her ride alone with my brother.
“No need,” I call to the servant. “One carriage will fit us all just fine.”
“Very well, sir,” replies the zagfer as I shoot a defiant look at my brother.
We all climb into the carriage. I sit across from Fohri who keeps a hand on the inner thigh of Ellie the whole way back. The ride home is long and arduous, mostly because of the rage my brother effortlessly makes me feel.
Ellie cries the whole way back, looking out of the carriage window as the Anocne estate grows smaller behind us. Soon, we arrive back at our own estate. I can sense the tension growing in Ellie as we pull up to the entrance.
Our staff approach us immediately, opening the carriage door and bowing to us as we dismount. I’ve only taken one step out of the carriage when I hear Ellie cry out again, her screams piercing my ears.
“No!” she yells out. “Take me back! I’m not going to be anyone’s plaything!”
“Shut the fuck up!” barks Fohri, slapping her across the face.
“Cut that out!” I exclaim, stepping in between them to face my brother. “Watch yourself in front of the guards.”
Fohri sneers and scoffs at me, stepping aside.“You there!” he calls to a group of zagfer waiting nearby. “You are to take this filthy woman and get her cleaned up. Afterwards, you are to take her to one of my private rooms in the tower.”
Ellie is dragged inside with my brother following behind. Sighing, I look down at the ground in shame, wondering just how far my brother will go in treating the leadership of Infnore as a joke.
Iwalk through the halls of the estate’s main building, making my way back to my usual guard post. As I pass by each guard, I give them a look of suspicion when they look the other way. No one here knows that I’m returning from a secret meeting with Gavarn Kranash, my best friend and leader of the rebellion movement here in Infnore.
I reach my post and take my place amongst the rest of the guards. None of them have the slightest clue as to who I really am and what I intend to do. I do not trust anyone unless they join the cause in fighting for a better future for Infnore. These lackeys around me are surely the last ones to ever consider doing such a thing.
As I settle in for a shift, I mull over the details of my meeting with Gavarn. I hear his voice in my head, speaking as though he is still right in front of me. “Your position in the estate is coming in handy for intel. Alas, there have been some new developments,” he informed me. “Word is spreading that the Renziu brothers have caught word of the rebel cause.”
“This is troubling,” I said to him. “We cannot afford to have this operation found out.”
“Indeed. Apparently, the Renzius are paying regular visits to lesser nobles in the hopes of gaining their favor, but I think they’re secretly trying to gather information about us.”
“What do you need me to do?”
“Keep an eye out for any new activity, anything that seems even slightly out of the ordinary. We must stay two steps ahead of them at all times.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes.”
I smile at the fact of just how far I’ve gotten past the enemy lines. I swore an oath to the cause long ago that I would do whatever it took to bring down the Renziu brothers, namely Fohri for his clear neglect of the good people of Infnore.
Too long we have all suffered as a result of his negligence. Images of my parents flash in mind, fueling me with the motivation I need to see this rebellion through to a successful end.
If only they would have been there to see a better Infnore come to fruition… I will avenge your deaths if it’s the last thing I do.
Like many others, my parents met their demise at the hands of the famine that ravaged the villages.
And it was all because Fohri couldn’t give a damn… He never should have gotten a free pass for his crimes from the council. Nonetheless, I will ensure he meets his end, that justice is served.