Page 7 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
The route leads up ahead to a small shed. A woman passes by me, her hair ruffled and shoulder straps torn, no doubt the work of my brother. She winks at me suggestively and blows me a kiss, a sight I roll my eyes at.
As I approach the shed, I’m preparing to give Fohri a verbal bashing when I hear an uproar of a commotion. I halt in place and close my eyes, using my advanced hearing to hone in on the shed. There comes the annoying sound of my brother’s voice.
“Vetrin, you don’t wish to disappoint the ruler of Infnore, do you?”
Great, it sounds like he’s up to no good,I realize.
Heading over, I approach the wooden structure and peer around the corner of the entrance. I spot my brother engaged in a three way conversation between himself, the owner of this estate and an extremely distressed human woman.
On her face is a hand-shaped red mark. I guess it to be the work of my brother but am surprised to see it may have been Vetrin, for his hand is also tinged red and is shaking seemingly from adrenaline. I decide to listen in for another moment before making a move.
“Please Vetrin,” begs the woman. “You know how good I am at my job here. When have I ever let you down?”
“Shut up before I slap you again, Ellie!” barks Vetrin, raising his hand as a threat.
The woman named Ellie recoils and winces. I look at my brother, watching in disgust as a sick smile etches its way across his ugly face. “Well Vetrin, what is it going to be?” he asks. “I’m an elf who knows what he wants. I want this woman of yours so I can deal out some fitting punishment under my own hands.”
Oh no,I think in frustration.What the fuck does Fohri think he's doing? Does he not torment dark elf women enough? Must he now extend his grubby, slimy desires towards humans as well?
I look at Vetrin, seeing he wears a feigned expression of bravery and confidence in the face of my brother. I can see right through him though, knowing that in reality, the truth is that he’s terrified of what Fohri will do if he dares to decline his request, although it’s more of a demand if anything.
I glance at the girl, watching as her eyes dart back and forth between her owner and my brother. Her lips are curled downwards in a fearful grimace, terror making its presence known in the form of tears now cascading down her cheeks.
In that moment, I’m overcome with an overwhelming sense of pity for this woman. Knowing my brother, he will not give up until he gets what he wants, and I can sense that the weak Vetrin is about to give in to his demands.
I’ve seen my brother do horrible things to women, the thoughts of which send tingling shivers down my spine. I’m not about to sit by and watch him snatch this innocent girl into his clutches. The only hope she has of being saved is by my intervention, and by the gods am I going to do everything I can to get my brother away from her.
“Fohri! There you are!” I exclaim, stepping forward.
The three of them turn around in surprise. At the sight of me, Fohri rolls his eyes, but behind him I can see Ellie looking at me in curiosity. Vetrin straightens himself up at my entrance and subtly bows to me.
“What on Protheka do you want now?” hisses Fohri. “Haven’t I heard enough blabbering from your mouth for one day?”
“Come on brother,” I reply calmly. “The time has come for us to get going.”
“Not yet,” he snaps. “Why are you always interfering in my business?”
“I think you meant to sayourbusiness brother, which by the way isn’t here in some dusty shed. Don’t think I don’t know why you came out here!”
“Here we go again,” groans Fohri. “You have no right to continue meddling in my affairs. I have no obligation to run everything by you!”
“You child, do you really think that’s what I’m saying? Do you know what? That’s actually not a bad idea for you to do, considering you’re barely running Infnore as is!”
“What the fuck are you on about?”
“You’d rather spend your time chasing girls and spending money than looking after the people! Don’t you think there’s more to being a leader than kicking your feet up all of the time?”
“Listen here, Ihokha,” he snarls. “I didn’t ask for any of this.”
“You think I did? At least I’m doing my part for the leadership of Infnore.”
“Excuse me,” interrupts Vetrin. “I don’t mean to intrude on your conversation but your brother and I were in the middle of negotiating a sale for Ellie here.”
Shut the fuck up!I fight back the urge to say. From the corner of my eye, I spot the look of desperation on Ellie’s face.
“That’s right,” snaps Fohri. He reaches out and grabs the woman by the arm. He pulls her in violently. “So, do we have a deal?”
“Indeed we do,” chuckles Vetrin. “And again, I do apologize for the inconvenience caused by her. Is there anything else I can do for your trouble?”