Page 42 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
“Ellie,” groans Brilyk, reaching out to her.
“I said leave me alone!”
With that, she spins around and marches back to her room, the sound of the lock twisting echoing through the hallway.
The fight between Ihohka and Brilyk shook me to my core.
Seeing the two men, the two dark elves, go at one another, almost mercilessly, frightened me.
And it’s all because of you,a miserable voice in my head says.
How have things come to this? How have I managed to fall for not one, but two, dark elves?
Don’t trust them. You can’t trust any of them.I realize, as I walk through the gardens of Ihohka’s mansion, that Agatha’s voice, the voice in my head that told me to never trust a dark elf, fades away more and more each day.
The more I fall for both Brilyk and Ihohka, the more trust I have for them. And I have found myself trusting the other dark elves in the household too.
I suppose it is because things have gotten so much better since Fohri left. Everyone in the household, including the zagfers and other human servants, seem more relaxed since.
Hopefully his reign of terror is over for good,I cannot help but think to myself. The thought is intertwined with hope and spite – if anyone deserves to not return to the comfort of their home, it is Fohri.Thinking about Fohri drags my thoughts back to Ihohka, and when I think about Ihohka, I cannot help but think about Brilyk.
How did this happen?
It has been two weeks since I arrived at the Renzui household, the Infnore mansion. And in the two weeks that I have been here, I have managed to fall in love with not one, but two dark elves.
Agatha’s voice echoes in my head again.You can’t trust them. You can never trust a dark elf.Maybe I should listen to the imagined voice of my long-dead mentor and carer. But something in me, the largest part of me, tells me that trusting both Ihohka and Brilyk might be the best thing I ever do.
How has it only been two weeks?
I think wonderingly to myself, as I stop in front of the patch of dirt that Ihohka told me I could use to plant some flowers. The Infnore gardens are perfectly manicured – the groundskeeper here is older than I am and is certainly more skilled.
I wish I had the entire expanse of gardens to work with, but I cannot exactly ask Ihohka to give me the job of groundskeeper. I look down at the small patch of dirt. This will have to do for now.
I cannot deny that I am confused and hurt.
I have learned now, in the past two weeks, that I am capable of caring for both Ihohka and Brilyk. But sometimes their actions – like the fight I had to break up – remind me that, as much as I do trust them, maybe I shouldn’t.
Agatha’s voice has faded away almost completely.
The voice that used to resound in my head over and over again, every day, from the moment that she died, has been drowned out by my feelings for my dark elves.
My dark elves? You’re in big trouble if you’re thinking about them like that.
I am confused and hurt and angry. Angry that they’re fighting over me. Angry that I trust them when maybe I shouldn’t. Angry that I am falling for both of them.
I have three captors.
Maybe you’re angry because the men you’re in love with are also your captors.
My first captor turned out to be Fohri, but now Ihohka and Brilyk are both complicit in my captivity.How could you betray yourself like this? How could you fall for the men who have taken your life away from you?