Page 41 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
Must be Ellie’s doing,I think to myself with a smile before pressing forward. I begin my walk down the hallway when suddenly, there echoes the sound of distant footsteps. Pausing, I make use of my good hearing to identify its source.
It’s coming from the stairwell,I realize. I move swiftly, pressing myself against the wall.Who could it be? Brilyk is off duty…What if Fohri has sent someone else to keep an eye on Ellie during the night?
I watch as the shadow emanating from the stairwell grows larger, holding my breath as the elf comes to the topmost step. He walks into the light of the moon, and reveals himself to me.
It’s Brilyk! Where the fuck does he think he’s going?
He keeps his gaze pointed at his outfit, brushing off what appears to be leaves and branches.He must have been coming from the forest, but what was he doing there?Then I come to a stark realization.He must have been meeting with other rebels! This only proves it! What else would he be doing outside the estate grounds?
I step out into the middle of the hallway as he walks toward me. Suddenly, he stops and brings his gaze up to meet mine, our eyes locking in an intense staredown. It’s obvious from the look on his face that I’ve caught him off-guard.
“You son of a bitch,” I snarl. “You’re coming from a rebel meeting in the forest, aren’t you?”
“Wait just a moment Ihokha,” he replies. “Let’s not jump to any hasty conclusions.”
“Shut the fuck up you traitor!” I shout. “I know you’ve been out there.”
I hear him gulp as I take a step closer.
“I had a look at your file too. I know you come from the villages where the rebel movement found its origins. It all makes sense now…”
He still says nothing but his eyebrows change subtly from surprised to threatened.
“Pft,” I scoff. “And to think you had become my brother’s most trusted guard, how ironic… But now you must be dealt with.”
I go to take another step forward when suddenly, Brilyk lashes out, using the full weight of his frame to knock me to the ground. Before I know it, he’s grabbed me by the collar and has me shoved up against the wall, close to the gap where I could easily fall and plummet to my doom.
“There’s no one here to save you!” he yells. “You rich bastard—”
I head butt him, causing him to let go and grab his nose. Taking advantage while he’s unguarded, I spear him, lifting him off of his feet and driving him into the opposite wall. We both spring for each other’s throats and soon we have one another gripped by our necks.
“You bastard!” I snarl. “I’ll have you on your knees before the council, they’ll strike you down for your rebellious—”
Before I say anything more, I realize something far worse. Brilyk’s ties to the rebel movement puts Ellie’s safety at risk. I tighten my grip around his neck. “You’ve been using Ellie, haven't you?” I yell.
He jams a finger at my eye, causing me to yelp out in pain. Quickly, I recover and square up, accepting that this isn’t going to go down diplomatically. He raises his fists when suddenly, a familiar voice rings through the hallway.
“Stop it!” screams Ellie as she shoves herself between us with her arms spread.
“He’s using you,” I spit. “This elf is a rebel! He’s been manipulating you for—”
“No!” growls Brilyk. “Ihokha is the one who cannot be trusted!”
“Shut up, both of you!” she yells, turning her focus towards Brilyk. “You’re a rebel?”
The traitor shoots me a glare before looking at Ellie. “Yes but Ellie, my feelings for you are no lie! I’ve been in love with you for so long!”
Son of a…
“You wouldn’t know what love is,” I snap. “Unlike you, I’ve hidden nothing from Ellie, because I’m the one who actually loves her!”
“Shut your mouth, Renziu scum! I’ll plant your head on a spike for all of Infnore to see!”
“Not before I—” I stop, a look of realization coming over my face as does Brilyk. We turn to see Ellie with her head in her hands, sobbing. We look at each other warily before both moving to her side.
“Ellie?” I whisper softly. “Are you okay?”
“No!” she screams, whipping her head up. Tears flood from her eyes but her face is smothered in sadness. “Both of you fuck off!”