Page 26 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
“What’s that?” he snaps.
“Nothing,” I reply, not wanting to start another quarrel. I head to the door and open it, gesturing for us to leave. “Come on then, I’m sure you have plenty of packing to do.”
Fohri scoffs and swiftly brushes past me, making a turn for his private quarters. I walk in the opposite direction, in need of some alone time after having my nerves worked up. I make way for my own room. As I do, my brother’s voice echoes inside my head.
You just want to have Ellie all to yourself.
It keeps repeating, eating up all of my attention as I approach my door. I’m so unaware that I don’t notice the zagfer coming my way until we bump into each other.
“Sorry, sir!” he says nervously.
I raise my hand, causing him to quiver and wince. I lay a reassuring hand on his shoulder which he looks at with confusion. “I’m not my brother,” I chuckle. “That was my fault. Go on now, get back to your duties.”
“Yes, sir!”
I step into my room, reclining back against it as I let out a long, heavy sigh of exhaustion. I run a hand over my face and walk to my cabinet, beside which lays my desk. From it, I pull out a glass and a bottle of zhisk.
As I down a mouthful of the brown liquid, I mull over what my brother said to me. Is what he said true? I’m concerned with the rebellion for certain but… I cannot deny that I do feel something for the human.
I think now of her blue eyes and long black hair flowing in the wind, the image of which reminds me of the sea of Protheka set against the night sky. The image of her face in my mind causes my knees to weaken, and so I take a seat at my desk.
Moving causes my thoughts to break from their immersion, bringing with it a reminder that what I’m feeling isn’t right.She’s a kidnapped woman damn it! It’s wrong! It doesn’t help that her captor happens to be my brother.
As hard as I fight, there’s no rational conclusion I can come to. My brain can think of all these reasons not to like Ellie but I can’t help what my heart feels.
I know it’s unfair to her while she’s going through this, but I want her and badly at that. Still, I must keep in mind that her safety is more important. With Fohri gone for a few weeks, she at least won’t be in any imminent danger.
Resigning, I pour myself another drink, grateful that at least one problem has been temporarily dealt with.
There’s something in the air today that I can’t place, but can definitely feel. A tension that seems to hang over the whole estate, jumping from one person to another and clinging to the walls. Even the zagfer that are trussing me up like some kind of ornamental doll seem to be holding their breath.
The tension is contagious, and anxiety works its way into my muscles that are already so tight and constrained in this damn attire. Even Brilyk, who is usually stubborn and immovable, like a boulder, seems to be on edge.
As usual I’m brought to the manor, but there’s a bustle about it that makes it obvious something is going on. Outside a carriage is pulled up, and there are bags ready to be loaded onto it. To the side stand Fohri and Ihokha.
“What’s going on?” I mutter to myself. My muscles tighten further at the sight of the brute that seems intent on torturing me. Fohri wears a stern look upon his face, as does his brother, and yet there’s something so different about them.
Terror now rips through me—am I being taken away by Fohri? Am I to lose the only security and sense of comfort that I’m afforded in the god-awful place, that of Brilyk and Ihokha?
I swear my stomach is about to fall right out of me as Fohri makes his way towards me, reaching me in just a few large strides. He looms over me, his face as disgusting as ever and slams his mouth against mine.
If I didn’t think it would get me beaten or killed, I’d push him away and vomit at his feet, the act disgusts me so much. But there’s no such opportunity for a woman like me, in my position.
“I have to go away, but don’t worry, little pet, there will be plenty of time to do the things I have planned when I return,” he says as he grabs my behind.
Swallowing every ounce of fear and disgust that he induces in me, I say nothing, do nothing, except look over to Ihokha as his brother bends over and rasps into my ear, “I’m going to claim every inch of you, show you what a dark elf is really made of. That sweet little pussy of yours is mine.”
“Come now, brother, it’s about time you took your leave, don’t you think?” Ihokha says, clearly seeing my distress. It’s the only thing that keeps me from collapsing into a heap on the ground, knowing that at least he is willing to afford me some protection and dignity.
“So eager to be rid of me,” Fohri says, turning to him. “You just make sure you keep your hands and your cock away from my little pet here,” he replies.
Ihokha says nothing, just waits for the zagfers to load up the carriage and for his brother to get in. When he does, relief swims through me. He may have some awful things lined up for me when he returns, but for now at least there’s some respite from him.
As he pulls off, I feel myself becoming lighter with each turn of the wheels and excitement even builds in me as Ihokha approaches me. It seems like he has something to say.