Page 25 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
“Are you insane?” I retort. “That’s quite possibly the worst idea you’ve ever come out with.”
“What’s wrong with it?” he barks.
“Doing something like that will be the quickest way we lose support from the good people in the villages. Word spreads swiftly amongst these folk, and then the rebel movement will increase tenfold!”
Fohri sneers and turns away for a moment.
“We need to handle this matter diplomatically,” I tell him.
“Well then what do you suggest?” he asks.
“The best way we can get the people back on our side is for you to go on a royal tour throughout the land.”
“A tour?” he laughs. “What would that entail?”
“It would mean you go to visit each and every village, a meet and greet if you will. You can bring supplies directly from our storehouse to them, and give to the people grains from other continents to get their livelihood back.”
“There’s no way those peasants are getting their measly hands on our food,” snarls Fohri.
“Too late,” I retort. “I’ve already made arrangements with the zagfer to have them prepared and ready to go.”
“What!” he barks, his voice rising in volume. “Without consulting me first?”
“Let’s be honest here,” I say calmly. “You were never going to go willingly. You’re already hesitant to give the rebellion any of your precious time.”
“Son of a… I know exactly why you’re doing this,” he spits.
What kind of bullshit is he about to come out with now?I think in frustration as I run a hand over my head.
“I’ve seen the look in your eye,” he snarls.
“You just want to have Ellie all to yourself, don’t you? Well I won’t allow it, I—”
Suddenly, I snap and pound a heavy fist down on the table, causing him to recoil in fright. “You fool! Do you really think this is all about her?” I bellow. “Is that the amazing conclusion that you’ve come to with that small brain of yours?”
“Watch it, brother,” he growls.
“No, you watch it!” I shout. “You have a responsibility to this land!”
“Heh, if you’re so concerned about this fabled rebellion movement then why don’t you go and do the tour?”
At this point, I’m fighting back every urge to leap forward and rip the hair from his scalp.
“Because,” I hiss through my teeth. “You are the one who is the heir to this land! It is your name on the official documents!”
At that moment, an idea sprouts into my mind, one that is sure to get Fohri out of here. There’s nothing more that he values than the power in his hands. “Maybe you don’t have to do the tour,” I say. “After all, I can write a letter to the council and double check, perhaps I’m the true heir…”
Fohri’s eyes widen, within his glare is the look of a cornered beast, seeking an escape from an encircling ring of enemies.
“Fine!” he snaps. “I will do this damned tour. If you dare lay a hand on Ellie, so help me I will—”
“You need not worry about that, Fohri,” I tell him. “Unlike you, I’m genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of this land, its people, and for our position as their leaders, not what’s between a woman’s legs.”
“Whatever. I will depart on this stupid tour first thing tomorrow morning so I can get it over with. I trust you’ll look after everything here.”
“As if I don’t already do all of that,” I mutter, lowering my volume.