Page 2 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
The party is still buzzing even close to midnight, and I am enjoying myself, even though I am exhausted. The sun has completely set, and the air is warm and balmy. The sky is an inky black and bright stars dot the velvety canvas above us.
That’s my cue. I head over to the closest cluster of tiphe trees and flick the switch. I created the display, which flickers on, and has the guests gasping with surprised pleasure, with the help of Vetrin.
It required some magic, which I do not have, and some machinations of my own. Vetrin was apprehensive at first, but after I explained how well the display would look, he came around to the idea.
Right now, all the trees in this part of the garden glow in different shades of pink, gold, and bright blue. My heart wells up with pride, even though I know I’ll never get credit for what I did.
For what you created.
This time, the voice in my head is stern.
I look around at the guests who are still marveling at the display, and once again, I am taken aback by the level of wealth in this small part of the garden—their jewels and the delicate, exquisite fabrics of their clothing on display.
The male dark elves are as finely decorated as their women and seem to wear equal amounts of jewelry.
You’re very lucky to be here,I think to myself as I stay in the shadows. I’m hungry and cannot wait to get back to my quarters where I can eat supper.
And I am lucky. As a human, I have very few prospects. And as a woman, I have even fewer. I could have been sold into sex slavery. I could have been scrubbing floors or burning my hands in hot water, trying to get stains out of the dresses of these very noblewomen.
Instead, I spend all my days outside, where I get to eat the fresh fruit I tend to. It is all luck on my part. I got lucky, and this is something I tell myself every day.
I am lucky because Vetrin and his family do not bother me at all. They let me do my thing, and simply provide me with the basics of what I need. Simply put, they ignore my entire existence, as long as the gardens look perfect.
And after years of tutelage underneath Agatha, I am as passionate about keeping the gardens perfect as the Anocnes are.
All this wealth,I shake my head. I wish I could sneak one of the hors d’ oeuvres, but that could lead to punishment that I do not need.
All this wealth could help out all the humans who are living in poverty.
It is not like there is anything you can do about it.
Just let it go.
Iam absolutely going to pull Fohri’s hair out by the follicles tonight.I almost laugh to myself at the thought of dragging Fohri’s body across the room by his hair.
It would be fun. You could flex your muscles while doing it.The noblewomenwouldlike it. But I control myself, and instead, I lift my glass to my lips and sip the strong drink inside. I find another zagfer who is carrying a tray of filled glasses when I finish mine and gratefully grab two more.
Slowly now. You don’t want to end up like Fohri.
The warning is clear in my mind, although Fohri’s actions are more natural than alcohol-induced. He’s just a natural asshole to be quite honest, and tonight is his time to shine apparently.
Poor Vetrin has gone to so much trouble,I think to myself, looking around.
The garden looks superb – even better than the gardens at the many Renziu estates.
He has gone to so much trouble, all for Fohri to mess things up.
“Ihokha!” One of the noblewomen sidles up to me and places a light hand on my arm. I swallow one of the drinks in my hand and turn to her with an ingratiating smile on my face.
“Astern! How delightful to see you!”
I have never been this bored in my life. How is this possible? I want to claw my own eyes out.
Maybe if I had an intelligent conversation to indulge in it would stave off the worst of the monotony that inevitably comes with these events, but Astern cannot think past the jewels that hang from her ears.