Page 1 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
“Unbelievable,” I murmur, my gaze sweeping out of the land. Emotions ripple down my spine, conflicting each other as I take it in.
The grounds that belong to the Anocne family stretch out around me for miles and miles. There are some days, mostly the days when my face is covered in dirt and I am picking blossoming flowers from the garden, that I cannot believe all this is mine.
It isn’t all yours though, a snarky voice in my head reminds me.Don’t forget that, while you may be treated well here, you are still only a human. You can never own this.
That might be true, but after years of being the head groundskeeper of the Anocne property, which is vast and sometimes unwieldy, I consider it to be mine. After all, it’s not as though anyone in the Anocne family would ever bring themselves to take care of the land the way I do.
As a groundskeeper, I have multiple responsibilities, such as taking care of the soil, grass, trees, and plants. I ensure that the crops that grow on the east side of the property are well taken care of. I am responsible for ensuring that the specialty plants that Mrs. Anocne loves grow and bloom every year.
I ensure that the fruit trees that line the circular driveway that leads up to the front doors of the Anocne mansion are always blossoming or heavy with fruit. For the Anocne’s, the health of their plants, trees, and grass is not enough. Everything has to be healthy, but everything also has to look, smell, and feel fruitful.
“All this hard work to make sure the tiphe trees don’t have a brown spot on any of the hundreds of leaves on you,” I murmur at a nearby tree. “You can’t even have a break, or have a moment to feel down.”
I am on the west side of the property, and as I go about my daily rounds, I make sure that I greet as many of the trees and plants as possible.
When did we start losing our minds?
The voice in my head is serious this time. All the snarkiness is gone. The voice might even be concerned. I do not know when I started speaking to the plants, can’t remember when this habit took root, for lack of a better term. All I know is that one day, sometime after Agatha died, words started spilling from my mouth in the presence of the tiphe trees.
At first, I was only comfortable speaking to the tiphe trees. They were as ancient as Agatha had been, and I could see the lines of her face in the whorls of their tree trunks. I could hear her rusty old laughter in the way the wind blew through their leaves.
It is grief. All that grief and love had to go somewhere.
Agatha is one of the main reasons that I am where I am today. I was only sixteen years old when I was purchased by the Anocne family. And because I had no real skills, they weren’t sure where to put me.
Eventually, Agatha, who was the head groundskeeper at the time that I was purchased, told Vetrin that she could use an extra hand taking care of the grounds. It seemed a monumental task at first, simply taking care of the grounds along with a crotchety old woman. However, at some point the job became effortless. And now, a few years later, I am talking to trees.
I head to the main gardens which should really be the location where all my attention should be. The Anocne’s are hosting a garden party in a few hours' time. I need to make sure that all the flowers look as healthy as their owners, and then I need to head inside to put on a dress and a smile.
Apprehension swirls in my gut, tightening it until I feel nauseous at the reminder of their party. Of other elves in a place I’ve started to call my home.
Nothing good can come from it.
The setup for the party is in full swing when I arrive in the main gardens. I look shabby, in my trousers, beat-up old boots, and oversized shirt, but I cannot work in anything fancier.
Vetrin will whip you if you show up at the party looking like a slave. Even though that is what you are.
I deadhead a few flowers and snap off a dying tiphe branch.
“You’ll make good wood this winter,” I speak lovingly to the branch and ignore the zagfers nearby who roll their eyes at me. Then I head to my quarters.
I wash up first because I feel grubby. It’s not a feeling I hate, but it certainly doesn’t lend itself to having a good time at a garden party. “Why do I even have to go to this damned thing? Surely the plants won’t wilt in just a few hours?” I grumble to myself as I look at the dress that Vetrin had sent up for me.
I know, however, that looking after the plants and doing what I am told is the best thing I can do. And if Vetrin wants me there, along with other human servants, in the background, trimming the trees, then that is what I’ll do.
When I’m in the dress, which is overly fussy in my opinion, I run a brush through my hair and clip the wispy strands in front away from my face. Then, making sure that all the dirt is off my body, I head out to the party.
The sun has set considerably in the time that it took me to get ready. As I step out quietly into the garden, my breath catches at all the wealth on display.
What did you expect? Vetrin is trying to get in with the Renziu family. They need to put on a good show.
This party, and all the effort that has gone into it, is for the Renziu family. They are the ruling family of Infnore and are wealthier than even the Anocnes.
Throughout the party, which is in full swing, I remain in the shadows. I ensure that the plants, flowers, and trees look as pretty as possible. I also help some of the zagfers who almost set fire to one of the guest’s dresses. We manage to put the fire out before the oblivious dark elf noblewoman notices anything.