Page 91 of Evil Boys
“I don’t need to threaten anyone,” he says, a devilish smile forming on his lips as he removes his mask and chucks it into the rain. His marred, square face almost looks beautiful, with the rivulets of water cascading down his dark hair that sticks to his skin. But I know better than to think of a Phantom as anything but a monster in the making.
“When this night is over, you will be crawling on your knees to us. Begging.”
I snort. “Are you high?”
Nathan chucks his mask aside too and leans in to sniff at my wet hair, his lips dangerously close to my ear. “The only thing we’re high on is your smell.”
“I’m not doing shit for you,” I rasp. “So you can shove—”
“Your secret in your brother’s face?” Kai interrupts, tilting his head.
I frown. “Again, where’s your proof?”
The knife pushes farther into my skin as a dangerous smile tugs at Kai’s lip before he pulls something out of his pocket. A soaked piece of paper of my username on a particular site I frequent to find my next target … a site I have never told anyone about.
My eyes widen.
How does he know?
“Sicklittlebitch13? I’m disappointed, Lana. I expected something a little more creative,” Kai mumbles, staring at the paper like he can’t believe he actually found me.
“How did you find that?” I ask.
“You underestimate his obsession with finding out everyintimatedetail about your life,” Nathan murmurs into my ear.
“You went onto my laptop?” I grit.
“I have my ways,” Kai responds.
Nathan’s hand casually dives into my pocket, and he takes out my phone.
“Hey! Give that back!” I grit.
“Finders keepers,” he muses, tucking it into his pocket.
“But why the 13?” Milo asks me. “I’m curious.”
If I can’t prevent them from knowing everything about my twisted side job, at least I’ll keep this secret to myself.
“None of your goddamn business,” I growl.
“Maybe she wanted her victims to think she was that age …” Kai muses.
I swallow away the lump in my throat.
“Smart,” Nathan says behind me. “But not smart enough not to get caught.”
I twist around in his grip, but it’s no use. He’s far stronger than I ever will be.
Kai chucks the paper at me. “Smart enough to know not to tell her family … But we will.”
My nostrils twitch. Of course this was always his plan.
Once wasn’t enough after he had a taste.
“You sick f—”
The blade suddenly moves to my lips, silencing me. “Ah, ah, think very carefully of your next words, little kitty.”