Page 90 of Evil Boys
“You think you can beat us at our own game?” he murmurs into my ear.
He knocks the heels from my hands and chucks them away.
“I’ll beat your fucking ass and spit on your fucking face when I’m done,” I growl back, kicking back, hitting him between the legs right where it hurts the most.
He groans, excitement bolstering him as he wraps his arms around my throat and chokes me.
I claw at his fingers, desperate for air.
“You’ll pay for that, Lana,” he says, squeezing tightly. “You begged us to kiss you, but now that you face the consequences, you regret it.”
He’s right, I do regret kissing him. Not because of the consequences, but because I can still taste his foul possession of my mouth, and I hate every second of that memory.
Kai’s slowly approaching from the back, his looming presence pushing me to knock my elbows back along with all the air from Nathan’s lungs.
But the second I try to make a run for it, Milo’s on my back, wrapping his whole body around me like a monkey latching on, refusing to let go.
“Get off me!” I shriek, but I’m brought to my knees with his weight bearing down on me.
“I get off on you, yeah.” Milo laughs. “Especially that time you got all wet on his knee.”
“Oh yeah, that was damn sexy. I gotta admit,” Nathan groans.
He eyes Kai, who merely smirks, and I feel so fucking cold. Not from the rain but from the icy reality that both Milo and Nathan know what happened in my room, which means Kai told him … or they were both watching us.
“Were you two there too?” I grit.
“Physically? No. Mentally, oh yes,” Milo groans.
My nostrils flare. “Fucking creep.”
I throw him off me and get up to kick him in the stomach and knock off his mask, but it only makes him moan.
“Oh, do it again, baby,” he begs, catching me off guard.
Long enough for Nathan to grab my arms and swiftly pin them behind my back.
“I’ve got you now, little slut,” he whispers into my ear.
“Let go of me!” I yell, trying to fight him off.
Suddenly, Kai’s blade enters the scene, swooping in like a flick of the wrist, right underneath my chin. My eyes flutter to the side to meet his perpetual gaze, one bright white eye confusing my soul as the green one sucks it out of my body along with my breath.
“Face it … you lost, little kitty. But you put up a good fight.”
Milo gets up from the ground and wipes the rain through his hair before he approaches and looks me up and down. “Got yourself stuck in a dangerous game, baby.”
“You think I won’t scream?” I grit.
“Oh, by all means, scream,” Nathan says, clutching my wrists so tightly my bones might snap. “Scream as loud as you want because the last thing any fucker who tries to intervene will see is my bullet.”
He’s carrying a gun too? Shit.
“Fuck you, I’ll fucking bite off your dicks if you try anything on me,” I growl. I know it’s a lie, but I can’t help the fighter in me.
“The only one eating anything here will be me,” Kai says, tilting his head as he slightly shifts the blade enough to make me lift my head.
“Is that a threat?” I ask.