Page 5 of Leia's Playmaker (Silver Spoon Falls Falcons)
"You!" he growls, smacking me in the chest with a book. "You did this!"
I glance at the cover of the book and double over with laughter. "Jesus Christ, Miles. I'm not one to judge a kink, but tentacles, man? Really?"
He growls at me again before snatching the book back from me. "I didn't buy it. You did! You had the love of my life deliver it to me." His face turns red. "I'm going to murder you, bring you back to life, and then murder you again."
"Holy shit," I whisper, clinging to the bar on the door as I laugh so hard I fucking wheeze. "They delivered it in person? I thought they'd just send it in the mail."
"So it was you!"
"You have to go to the bookstore and tell them it's yours."
"Uh, fuck no."
"You're going." Miles smacks me in the chest with the book again like it's a goddamn weapon.
"Uh, no, I'm not." Hell to the no, I'm not walking my big ass in the bookstore and telling them I bought it for me. He's lost his mind. Unlike Miles, I don't have connections here to help smooth my way. If I become Tentacle Porn Guy, I'll never live that shit down.
"You're going," he says, narrowing his eyes at me. "Or I'm telling Razor Montgomery what Alec saw in the locker room last night."
I open my mouth and then close it, the satisfaction in his eyes making me wary. He knows something I don't. Razor Montgomery used to play guitar for Bent, one of the biggest rock bands in the world, before they retired. He lives here in town and is one of our biggest supporters. He and Jordan, the owner of the Falcons, are close. But why the fuck would he care that Alec walked in on me and Leia in the locker room last night? "What does Razor Montgomery have to do with anything?"
Satisfaction turns to smug triumph as Miles smirks at me. "You don't even know who the fuck you were messing around with last night, do you?"
"It wasn't like that."
"Leia Marsh is Razor's sister-in-law."
Fuck me. Razor Montgomery is going to kill me if he finds out I was feeling up his sister-in-law in our locker room last night with my cock out. He's going to be especially pissed if he finds out someone walked in and is spreading that shit around. The last thing I need right now is one of our biggest supporters riding the hate train because our security guard is running his damn mouth about my business. He has the power and influence to have me booted at the end of the season.
Funny how that should be my primary concern, but ninety percent of my brain is focused on the fact that I now know Leia's full name. I can figure out what she was really doing here last night, make her fall for me, and keep Razor from wanting to kill me. It's a win-win-win. And if I just so happen to fuck my kid into her in the process, well, I won't be sad about that.
Right after I deal with Alec for running his mouth. That shit is about to stop immediately. Leia isn't a fucking puck bunny, and I won't have anyone talking about her like she is.
"You're coming with me to the bookstore or I'm telling Razor about your little liaison," Miles says.
And there's the wrench in my plans. A pissed-off, six-foot-sized wrench.
"It's just a book, Miles," I growl.
"My fucking soulmate delivered it to my doorstep, you dick." He smacks me across the chest with the offending book again. "She thinks I have a tentacle fetish. You're fixing it. Today."
I take pity on him. If I fucked up his one shot with this woman, I'll feel bad for the rest of my life. And he'll never forgive me. I'd rather be humiliated than have that on my conscience. I may like jokes, but I prefer the harmless kind. This one kind of blew up in my face.
"Fine," I sigh. I guess I'm dealing with this shit first and then dealing with Alec. "I did the crime; I'll do the time. But if you breathe a word about last night, I'm telling your girl everything I know about you. Including about that time you had food poisoning."
His face pales. "You wouldn't."
If it were just my reputation at stake, he's right, I wouldn't. But Leia is the one at risk of being labeled a puck bunny here, not me. She was upset enough last night, and she did nothing wrong. That was all on me. I'm the one who wouldn't put pants on when she asked. I'm the one who couldn't keep my hands to myself. And I'm the one who will move heaven and earth to make sure she doesn't suffer because of it.