Page 4 of Leia's Playmaker (Silver Spoon Falls Falcons)
"Leia, wait," Colter growls, reaching for me when I jerk out of his arms, trying to put distance between us.
"Getting caught naked with a woman in a locker room may make you look good, but it doesn't make me look good, Colter. I came here to do a job. Leave me alone and let me do it!" I cry, stomping toward the doors. "And for the love of God, put on some freaking pants!"
"This isn't over!" he shouts as I rush out of the locker room with my head down.
Chapter Two
"This is such bullshit," I growl to Coach Grayson Marrow, shoving my stuff into my bag. "You know Gordon started every single one of those altercations."
"I know," Coach says, clasping my shoulder. "Jordan knows it too. But you got a game misconduct. We're the new kids on the block. We have to play by the rules."
"Well, the rules are bullshit." I slam my locker before looping my bag over my shoulder. I've been playing professional hockey long enough to know there is no fighting this suspension, though. Our next game is Saturday. If I don't take the suspension on the chin, the President of the League will lengthen the suspension after his review. We can't afford that. I'd rather be out one game than three.
But fuck Bruce Gordon, for real. I don't know what his problem is, but he's a menace.
"Any idea why he was gunning for you so hard?" Coach asks, walking me toward the doors.
"Not a fucking clue." I rake a hand through my hair, still not sure what I did to piss in the man's Cheerios. Five years ago, we played on the same team. We were never close, and he's always been a douche. But we were never enemies either. Whatever crawled up his ass last night felt personal, though.
Coach lifts his chin in a nod. "Guess he had something to prove."
"Guess so," I mutter, not entirely sure what he was trying to prove. That he can take a beating? That I can still outskate him? Don't know and don't care to find out. Leia is the only good thing to come out of the entire shitshow that was last night's game. Well, her and the fact that we won.
Leia, the smart-mouthed little troublemaker who melts like sugar as soon as I touch her. Fuck, she's pretty with her blonde hair and sky-blue eyes. She looks like she belongs in a classroom, teaching kindergarten. But there's a sort of steel in her eyes that makes my dick hard. She's trouble with a capital T. I should know because I've caused enough of it.
I play hockey because it keeps me grounded. I need structure in my life. Hockey gives me that in spades. We wake up early and train until we're too fucking exhausted to do anything else. And then we get up and do it all over again. That's been my life since I was fourteen. Before that? Well, it was either hockey or juvie for me. I was not a good kid.
I had too much free time and a penchant for pulling pranks that weren't always legal. Hockey straightened me out. By the time I finished my first game, I was hooked. I still play the occasional prank on my teammates—we razz the shit out of one another—but they're harmless.
Is whatever Leia doing harmless? I don't know. She was dead-set against telling me what she was doing in our locker room. I don't believe for a second that she got lost, though. I reviewed the security footage. She snooped through several other rooms before she found our locker room.
Did she think it was the Stingrays' locker room?
If I can't fly out with the team tomorrow for the game on Saturday, it'll give me a chance to track down the curvy little goddess and ask her myself. She's been occupying ninety-nine percent of my brain since last night. It's driving me crazy. Actually, the possibility that she was trying to sneak into the Stingrays' locker room to meet Bruce Gordon is driving me crazy. There's no goddamn way I'm letting her anywhere near him.
She's mine. I decided that about five seconds after I met her. There's something about her that I want to lay claim to in the most primal way possible. Maybe that's fucked up, but I don't really care. I'm going to ruin her for anyone else. Just as soon as I find out who the fuck she is.
With a name like Leia, I don't figure it'll be that difficult in a town this size.
"Be here for the team meeting tomorrow!" Coach shouts after me. "Your ass isn't off the hook just because you're not flying out for the game."
"Yeah, yeah." I duck through the doors and run right into Miles Tempest. His long hair is pulled back away from his face, which is set in a dark scowl. There's a reason everyone calls him Temper. He's a cranky fucker, which makes it far too easy to mess with him.