Page 38 of Mafia Lullaby - A Dark Captive Romance
Ariana swallowed back the protest jumping to escape and got up from her little stool. Her knees ached from sitting so low to the ground. She eased down to the carpet next to Mae and folded her legs to match the other girls.
Costello could be the only person in the House who knew her secret. The playacting would have to continue. Not just for her sake, but for his as well. If Frank found out Costello knew and didn’t turn her over, he’d kill Costello. Now Ariana pretended for them both.
“When you have a Mommy who wants kisses on her pussy, it’s not too different from licking a lollipop.” Nancy sat down on the chair and spread her legs open wide, pulling her ankle length skirt up until her pussy showed. The girls didn’t make a sound. Ariana’s cheeks heated.
“Some Mommies will have hair on their pussies, and some will be like me and have none.” She continued the absurd lesson. If they didn’t drug the girls, they wouldn’t have to go through all of this stupid training. These girls were well into their twenties. No way they didn’t already know all of these things, but the fucking drug wiped all that away.
“Mae, come here, kneel right in front of me like a good girl.” Nancy pointed to the spot she wanted Mae.
Once Mae was in position, Nancy pulled her pussy lips apart. “I want you to take your tongue and lick my pussy. Don’t be afraid to lick hard, okay? Just lick, then when you get to my clit—I know you know what that is, your daddy and Uncle Frank have both had fun playing with yours.” Nancy paused. Mae’s face turned crimson and tears shone in her eyes.
Nancy smiled.
“It’s okay, little girl. That’s what you were made for. Now, when you get to my clit, just flick your tongue. Go on, try it. Girls, I want you to watch.” Nancy leveled them all with a hard glare. “After Mae’s had her turn, you’ll each try and then you’ll be practicing on each other. So pay attention,” Nancy said harshly.
Ariana was going to lose her lunch, and the macaroni and cheese hadn’t been very tasty the first go around.
“Go on, Mae,” Nancy chided when Mae remained still.
Leaning forward, Mae placed her hands on the floor and brought her mouth down on Nancy’s cunt. The hiss of satisfaction Nancy let out cut through the tension of the room.
“That’s right. Just…like…that. No, don’t stop yet.” Nancy placed her hand on top of Mae’s head and held her in place while Mae continued to lick. “Don’t forget…oh, yes, don’t forget to suck a little on the clit. Mommies love that,” Nancy said in a strange tone. Ariana studied her more closely. The woman was heavily aroused.
“Very good. Okay.” Nancy pushed Mae’s head back. “That was very good for your first time. Now pick a spot on the carpet and lie down with your dress pulled up. The next girl will come by you when she’s done here, and she’ll practice on you. You’ll take turns.”
Mae nodded and got up from her spot. As she passed Ariana, a tear spilled down her cheek. Even too drugged to know better…Mae seemed to feel it.
“Courtney, your turn.” Nancy spread her legs further and inched down in the chair until she was seated on the very edge.
Courtney moved into position and dove right in. Courtney was always looking for extra attention and wanting a gold star for everything. Apparently, pussy licking was one of them, too.
“Oh, yes…very good, Courtney.” Nancy leaned her head back and touched Courtney’s hair, petting her sweetly. “Just like that.” Nancy bit down on her lip. “Hold still, I want to show you something else. No, keep your tongue out like that.” Nancy planted her feet firmly on the floor and lifted her pelvis, running her sex over Courtney’s face.
Ariana’s breath hitched; tears filled her eyes. She wouldn’t be able to hold her composure through this. She’d be found out.
“So good,” Nancy said, planting her ass back in her seat. “Go over by Mae and show her what you were doing. Teach it to her, and then she can try it on you.” Nancy gave Courtney’s shoulder a soft shove.
A smug grin painted on her lips, Courtney moved to where Mae was lying on the carpet waiting.
“Ariana,” Nancy snapped her name like it was a wet towel. “Come here and let’s see if you were paying attention at all.”
Her mouth went dry.
“Go,” Jessica hissed from beside her. Ariana nodded and got to her feet. This was just another part in a fucked-up play. She could do this. She had to. There was no other choice.
Slowly, Ariana sank to her knees in front of Nancy. The nanny’s sex glistened with her own juices and the saliva of the girls before. When Ariana chanced a quick look up, she caught Nancy’s glare. Heated and spiteful.