Page 37 of Mafia Lullaby - A Dark Captive Romance
Costello shook his head with a grin and walked out to his car. He’d been just as blind to the realities of the House before he took up residence. Non-stop sex, complete control over the girls, delivering bare ass spankings… It all sounded too fucking good to be true.
He’d had a hell of a good time. He wouldn’t bother denying that. But the tint of the lens changed with Ariana. Costello wasn’t just looking to playact Daddy for a few months while training her for someone else. When she called him Daddy, when her eyes softened and he could sense the reality of that word on her lips…it held a fuck more meaning than a hard dick.
His phone rang while he drove down the street back toward the highway.
“Costello.” Maria’s panicked voice filled the car through the speakerphone. “Nancy took Ariana to the library an hour ago, and she hasn’t come back. I can’t leave the dayroom with the other girls.”
“What the fuck. I told her to stay away from Ariana today.” Costello hit the gas and merged onto the highway. He’d be there in ten minutes. Sooner if he pushed it.
“I know,” Maria said, helpless to fix the situation.
“I’m on my way.” He hung up the phone and maneuvered around the truck in front of him.
He needed to get back. Now!
“Just hold on, babygirl. I’m on my way.”
Ariana sat on the little wooden stool in the corner of the library listening to Nanny Nancy read from a fairytale book to three other girls. Ariana hadn’t been allowed to sit with the other girls because Nancy said she hadn’t behaved well enough at breakfast.
As far as Ariana knew, breakfast had gone fine. She’d been given the awful oatmeal, and she’d eaten every slimy bite of it. Even the raisins that she didn’t like.
Nancy was obviously still pissy about the night before. Which only confused Ariana more, because it wasn’t Nancy’s ass that hurt.
“And they all lived happily ever after,” Nancy said in the sickly singsong voice that jumped all over Ariana’s nerves. Ariana sighed and leaned her head forward, pressing it against the wall.
Why had Nancy brought her down here if she was only going to keep her in the corner? She should have left Ariana in the dayroom with Nanny Maria.
“Now. I have a special lesson for you this afternoon, girls,” Nancy said with a clap of her hands. “I know the Daddies do a lot of teaching with you during your naptimes and your special lesson times with them, but there is one subject they can’t teach you.” Nancy paused. “Ariana, turn around now.”
Ariana lifted her head and with an internal groan, walked her feet across the carpeting until she had swiveled around. The three girls who had been called down with her were all sitting with their legs crisscrossed and their hands neatly folded in their laps. The vacancy in their stares sent a shiver through Ariana.
Maybe it would be better if the drug would work on her. She wouldn’t have to be so damn aware all the time of the horrors happening to all of them.
“Most of the girls who come to our House are adopted by loving and caring Daddies, but sometimes there’s a Mommy who comes looking for a little girl of her own. And we need to be prepared for them as well.” Nancy got up from her rocking chair and moved it to the edge of the carpet. “Have all of you been taught how to kiss your daddies properly?” she asked with a curious eye on them.
“On his lips or on his…” Mae blushed. “On his cock?” she said, then fell into a fit of giggles.
“I hope you don’t giggle when your daddy gifts you with his cock, Mae.” Nancy turned a stern glare on the girl. Mae seized up.
“No, Nanny Nancy. I never giggle with him,” Mae promised.
“Good. Now, I’m talking about kissing his cock. You’ve all learned?” She pointed to each girl and waited for a nod before moving to the next. When her gaze turned up toward Ariana, it darkened. “And you?”
“Yes, Nanny Nancy,” Ariana mimicked the girls’ responses and shoved on a proud smile to accentuate her answer.
“Good. So, what I’m going to teach you today is how to kiss a Mommy’s pussy.” Nancy retrieved a straight back chair with no arms and placed it in the center of the room where her rocking chair had been.
Oh, no. Ariana’s stomach knotted. She wouldn’t be able to do this. But if she denied Nancy, there’d be another punishment in her future. Or worse.
What the fuck was she going to do?
The other girls all scooted further up on the carpet to get closer and see better. They were being good girls, learning what they were supposed to learn.
“Ariana, you can come on the carpet. I want you to get a good look, so you’ll know what you’re doing when it’s your turn.” Nancy pointed to a spot beside Mae.