Page 71 of Knot Your Life
“We went back to business as usual,” he said simply. “We run a charter boat out of the harbor and we went back to work doing what we do best. We’re happy and earning our keep until we find our own omega mate. And to answer a question I get all the time, no, we haven’t regretted our time onMy Fairytale.”
His words held no bitterness and I was happy they were able to hold onto that after the rejection. I’d seen their faces that night, they were truly hurt when she chose the Forrest Pack.
“Has there been anyone in your life since the show?” Candace questioned with a grin plastered on her painted face.
“No,” he said. “We’ve been focusing on work and moving on. Unlike how Morgan felt, we were all pretty much in. We’d spent time with her and opened ourselves up. We were vulnerable and would have given her the world. It definitely hurt when she left us behind like that, but I’m glad we’re not spending our lives with someone who doesn’t want us the same way.”
“Well said,” Candace agreed. “Was there ever any attraction between your pack and Ellie? We didn’t often see you interacting on camera.”
The alpha glanced at me and I smiled back before we both shook our heads.
“Ellie wasn’t the type of girl to cross someone. She considered Morgan a friend and didn’t want to step over that line,” he said. “We spoke from time to time when we were put together, but it was mostly about Morgan and how things were progressing. It was a camaraderie built on stage but no, we never even made it past the dating rounds that were required for all the packs. There was never a spark and we both thought that was important. She’s an amazing omega but she wasn’t the omega for us and we weren’t the pack for her.”
“Ellie, we’d love to hear from you,” Candace said. Something in her voice showed she was hoping to get a rise out of me.
“Honestly, I couldn’t have said it better myself,” I agreed. “They were an amazing pack and I felt terrible for them that night. We all deserved better. But it seems like Morgan and the Forrest Pack helped us all dodge a bullet. They’re thriving, we’re thriving.”
Candace’s smile turned tight and she quickly picked up the tablet on her lap to move on to the next question.
“Lance L is asking Ellie if she had a hard time trusting after everything that happened here. He ends it with the hashtag Justice for Ellie.” Her laugh was light but I knew how much that hashtag pissed her off.
“I did have a hard time trusting after all of this. But fate had other ideas. I ended up finding my true mates very quickly. We took things slow and not once did they try to rush me or make me do anything before I was ready. It made us a strong pack in the end. We spent months getting to know each other and then getting to know Bear when he joined us again. Now our pack is complete.” I paused and put my hands on my stomach. “And soon our family will be complete.”
Candace’s jaw dropped. As far as we’d said so far there was no pregnancy, just a scare. I didn’t tell the guys I was going to reveal it now but I knew they would support me. This was me reclaiming the moment that she’d tried to rip away from me once already.
“Congratulations,” the Sulley Alpha called out, all of them cheering for us. I glanced at the screen and nearly laughed. Trevor, Jacob, and Morgan all looked like they were ready to scream.
“You’re telling us that you are truly pregnant,” Candace clarified.
“We had a few negative tests in the beginning,” I lied through my teeth, “but I went to the doctor recently and we got the confirmation we are, in fact, expecting. Life has a way of working out in the end.”
“It sure does,” she agreed, not offering any sort of congratulations. “‘Where do you plan to go from here?’ is our final question, and this one is for all of us. Let’s start with Trevor and Jacob.”
The Sulley Pack and mine both stifled laughter. It was very clear where they were headed.
“We are hoping this blows over fairly quickly so we can get back to our life. We never intended for things to escalate to the point they did and we apologize for our part in that. Once we’re free, we plan to move far away and start over fresh.”
Candace turned to us. “And Bear, do you forgive them for what they’ve done?” Before he could answer, the camera moved in on Candace. “For those of you who missed that news, Bear was attacked by none other than his former pack, to the point that he nearly lost his life.”
The camera swiveled to Bear who looked downright venomous.
“No, I don’t forgive them. They’re terrible people and what they did is unforgivable. Don’t think for a moment that it will just blow over, we are pressing charges. After they serve their time, I don’t care what happens to them as long as they stay far away from me and my pack.”
Candace was solemn now, nodding along with his words.
“That’s understandable,” she offered while the Sulley Pack started clapping. She had truly lost control as my pack and theirs started chatting.
“Morgan, what’s in store for you?” Candace had to practically shout over the noise.
Our packs quieted down reluctantly so Morgan could answer.
“I started to move back home but things aren’t as simple back there as they used to be.” She gave me a pointed look. “My cousins left that town while I was gone so I’m going to join them at their home in Florida. It will be nice to have some sun and sand, visit them, and attempt a fresh start.”
“Good luck to you,” Candace said quickly before turning to the Sulley Pack again. “You mentioned before that you plan to just go back to your lives. Are there any other big plans in your future?”
“We’ve decided to put it in fate’s hands and take a page out of Ellie’s book. We’ve got our business and it’s booming. We’re loving life and eventually we’ll find an omega who wants to live her life on the seas and be treated like a queen.” He turned to face the camera and winked. The alpha didn’t lack charm, that was for sure. “For those of you interested, feel free to come to the harbor and hang out with us.”
Bear and I both barely suppressed our laughter. Sulley was a fucking king for that. I bet the harbor would be full of prospects within a day or two. I truly hoped that they found their omega.