Page 70 of Knot Your Life
All I could think as I looked at them and their orange jumpsuits was how strange it was for the network to even include them at this point. It felt as if they were supporting the attack and condoning the behavior. She couldn’t exactly ignore the elephant in the room that was their incarceration. An alpha and beta attacking an omega to the point they did wouldn’t be something most of the world would dismiss or forgive easily.
There was nothing the assholes could say at this point to defend themselves. They not only outnumbered, but overpowered the defenseless omega. There were eyewitnesses and evidence. There was no possible way to spin it in their favor.
“We’re going to start with questions from our viewers,” Candace said now that the introductions were over. “This one is for Bear.”
His hand tensed in mine and I squeezed him right back as we waited for her to continue. She just had to pause long enough to build anticipation.
“Tamara B wrote in to ask if you ever regretted the decision of rejecting Ellie.”
Bear gave me a sweet smile. “Was it my decision? No. I wanted Ellie from the start and made that known. When the others changed their minds I argued against it. That was the ultimate end to our pack.”
“So, you chose to walk away from the pack that you had been with before the show, to go after Ellie?” Candace countered, digging further like a hound on a trial.
Bear shook his head before she even finished speaking. “No,” he corrected. “I’m actually surprised by that conclusion. I left them because they turned into assholes. You might want to beep that out,” he said with a shrug, completely unrepentant. “One thing this show did for me was show the true colors of my pack. Once I saw who they really were, there was no hesitation to me leaving. I wish they would have taken the high road as well.”
We all turned and gave the men on screen a pointed look that said we were not going to be silent about the attack. It may not be something we get the chance to hear, but it would not be swept under the rug.
Candace turned to Trevor and Jacob before we could get a chance to throw out the truth.
“Tell us, how do you feel now that you not only rejected Ellie, but you lost a mate in the process.”
Trevor scoffed, his ego shining yet again as he and Jacob shared a condescending laugh. “Bear was only a chosen mate. If he wanted to leave, he was free to go, we don’t care.”
“Did your relationship with Morgan continue?” she questioned quickly. The fact she was flailing to retain control of the narrative was hysterical.
“It did for a while but it was hard to maintain that relationship when the entire world thought that we’d made the wrong choice. They had us questioning ourselves, something I’ve never been known to do,” Trevor said. Everything about his demeanor was cocky, leaning back and appearing nonchalant. I wondered how that was working out with his fellow inmates, especially if they found out exactly why they were in.
“Morgan, how do you feel about the situation? And the fact that Bear was so against you joining their pack?” Candace said, shifting the conversation yet again.
Morgan let out a dejected sigh. “It was hurtful. I didn’t want to betray Ellie, we had formed a friendship already. Seeing her hurt at the rejection was so hard.”
That was almost believable. She looked at me with a sad smile that I ignored.
“I truly believed that the Forrest Pack and I were truly meant to be together. When Bear protested, I was, obviously, hurt but I knew with time that we could learn to love each other. I just wish he’d given me the chance.”
“I’m glad we didn’t,” Bear muttered, earning a glare from Candace while the camera was focused in on Morgan.
“Trevor was right about one thing,” Morgan finished. “Maintaining our relationship while the world turned against us was so hard.”
Candace didn’t give her more than a non-committal hum before she was pulling up the tablet again.
“Alright, next question comes from Grace C. This one is for Morgan. She asks what happened between you and the Sulley Pack. Why did you leave them and have you spoken to them since?”
Morgan gave a startled laugh. “I’m getting the hard questions,” she said. “The connection I had with the Sulley Pack felt real at first, but the longer I spent time with them the more I realized they weren’t the pack for me. I never regretted leaving them behind and no, we haven’t spoken since.”
Something in her voice was strained this time and Candace looked downright giddy as she turned back to the main camera. Her voice was full of excitement as she dropped the next bomb.
“We thought it was only fair to bring in the Sulley Pack. They deserve to tell their side of the story, so let’s welcome the Sulley Pack now!”
The crew scrambled to set up another set of chairs beside ours. The camera was still focused in on the door so it would be unnoticed by the viewers.
The Sulley Pack walked out of the side door, every one of them had easy smiles on their faces. Their alpha towered over the rest of the pack. He made sure they were all sitting before taking the front seat.
“Welcome back toMy Fairytale,”Candace called out. “Let our viewers know where you’ve been since the show ended. You were one of our final packs, after all.”
The alpha was the spokesman of the group. He seemed so relaxed that I couldn’t help but be jealous of his ability to not give a fuck.
Then again, they’d avoided every bit of drama that was thrown our way.