Page 22 of Knot Your Life
“Going inwhere,Atlas?”
“That’s a surprise, dear brother,” I teased. “Just get enough for all of us, including the newbie.”
“You can’t call a new pack member a newbie,” Dean said. Clearly, I was testing his patience today.
“Did you check in on dad?” I asked, changing the subject before he could lose his temper. Though, Dean losing his temper was a generally quiet affair.
“Yeah and he told me, and I quote ‘to stop babysitting him, he’s a grown-ass man’. He is over it now that he’s healthy,” Dean explained. “I’d say we need to back off and let him live his life. They gave him the all clear.”
“Fine, but keep the family dinner nights on Sunday so we can keep an eye on him,” I said.
“We should just invite the pack from now on,” Dean said. “Ellie loves him and the rest may as well get used to it.”
“We have to get that packhouse finished soon,” I muttered. “It’d fit us all so much easier.”
“I’m headed there now. Collin asked me to grab some supplies while I was out,” Dean said. “A few months and it’s going to be livable.”
“Ezra will make sure. If she hits another heat without a nest he’s going to turn in his alpha status,” I laughed. But reality was, she deserved it. Ellie had been through enough and needed her own space.
“Shit, you know what I didn’t consider?” Dean said. “It’s not just her now that needs one.”
“Oh man,” I breathed out. “I’ll admit I don’t know much about male omegas.”
“Same,” Dean said. “I’m going to bring it up to Collin when I get back.”
“Good plan, I’ll be there in a bit, I have a few more things to take care of. We’re taking your SUV, by the way,” I said, ending the call before he could complain.
Honestly, they were lucky I didn’t grab matching shirts or aprons or something to take the cheesiness to the next level.
* * *
“Where are we going?”Ellie asked. She was tucked between the alphas and practically bouncing with excitement. That was one of the things I loved about our omega. She wasn’t afraid to live in the moment. That, alone, spoke of how much she trusted us.
She wasn’t the only one excited, her emotion thrummed through our pack, ensuring that every one of us in the car felt it as well.
“We’re almost there,” I promised as I scanned the businesses so I didn’t miss it. Wine and Whimsy wasn’t hard to spot, the sign was painted to look like a fantasy world and the letters were shining gold which reflected on the street lights.
Ezra groaned on cue as I pulled in front of the shop. “Tell me this isn’t where we’re going.”
“Oh man, I’ve always wanted to do one of these,” Bear said. “The others always said it was too lame.”
His voice had dipped at the last statement and I turned to him. Those assholes had done a number on this guy. It had me wondering just how long they’d treated him like trash before he woke up and realized it.
“Well, I think it’s going to be amazing. Dean, pass out the shots. We need to get this buzz going. Tonight is about fun and some good old pack bonding.”
Dean pulled out a bag and passed out the mini liquor bottles. Ellie grinned at her lemon vodka, cracking it open and shooting it back without hesitation. She barely winced at the taste.
“Damn, that was kind of impressive,” I told her, tipping back my fireball and trying to match her energy.
Even Ezra took his shot without complaint. Ellie turned around, eyeing each of us in turn before settling on the new omega who hadn’t taken his.
“You don’t drink?” she questioned. “It’s cool if you don’t.”
Shit, maybe I’d made a bad choice. If he didn’t he was about to be surrounded by wine and buzzed people all night.
“It’s not that I don’t,” he started. A look of determination crossed his face. “You know what? This is a fresh start.”
“No one here is a shitty drunk,” Ellie said quietly.