Page 21 of Knot Your Life
I laughed out loud at the absurdity of it, the sound choked as it chased away the previous tears.
Bear: We are.
Collin: It’s weird. I hated you before this because of how hurt Ellie was.
Bear: I can’t blame you. It was terrible. She was always my pick.
Collin: I have even more reason to hate them now.
Bear: Same. I’m glad I got out.
Collin: Was it with a bang, at least?
Bear: If you mean a bang as in sex, no. If you mean with dramatics, definitely.
Collin: What happened?
Bear: They were supposed to pick Ellie, I was as shocked as she was when it all went down. She walked off and when I protested, they tried to tell me to shut up. I told them I never wanted Morgan and they weren’t who I thought they were. It got heated and I handed back the ring they gave me and told them I was out. My walk off just wasn’t recorded, the show was done.
Collin: Good for you. Have they tried to reach out?
Instead of answering, I sent him a screenshot I’d saved of our last conversation. It was a mass of texts starting with an apology and ending on insults when I didn’t budge
Collin: I’m going to end them when they get here. No matter what they say, you’re not their punching bag. You’re attractive, smart, and I’ll add more when we actually get a chance to get to know each other. Fuck them.
Bear: Thanks. It’s nice to have someone actually in my corner.
Collin: You have a whole pack in your corner now. Going forward, it’s only going to get better. Don’t confront them alone.
Bear: Yes alpha.
My chest warmed at the fact he barely knew me, had a negative view already, yet somehow found it in him to care enough to protect me. Honestly, Trevor and Jacob coming here, and finding out what I’ve shared, I was worried.
They had never been physical, but I’d seen them mad. Their words were vicious and I didn’t want to be caught in the middle of that hell again.
Having the new pack behind me was the only reason the anxiety eased. I wasn’t facing this alone and it seemed they weren’t going to hold grudges.
My phone went off again and I lifted it, a smile on my face as I assumed it was Collin or the pack.
Instead my blood ran cold at the message waiting for me.
Trevor: We’re coming for you Bear. I don’t know why you thought you’d get away with this.
As far as date planning went, this was probably the cheesiest one I’d put together. A friend of mine from the real estate office ran a wine and art studio and I’d booked a room for tonight.
What better way to break the ice than giving us something to focus on… and alcohol. Having an easy distraction never hurt.
Ezra might complain, but I knew that Ellie was going to love this one. Pack bonding had to happen whether we were ready for it or not.
My phone rang and I answered the second I saw my twin’s name. He was the only one I’d given even vague details to.
“Did you get it?”
He sighed. “Are you planning a bachelorette party? Mini liquor bottles… really? Should I get some boas and penis-shaped party favors?”
“I mean, isn’t this classier than taking a round of shots in the SUV before going in?”