Page 38 of Unforgiven in Cheshire Bay
Vera signed as she talked. “Star Wars movies.”
“All of them?” I raised a brow as I stared at Adam.
He shook his head to me, but I didn’t miss the slight nod he sent in Vera’s direction. “Of course not. She’ll be tucked into bed by nine.”
Vera was good with staying up late, however, she was the devil incarnate the next day, even though she typically went to bed early the next night with little fuss.
“Not too late.” I wagged my finger. “Nine o’clock at the latest.”
“And no junk food.” Adam rolled his eyes, but I knew better. Naturally, he would have some of her favourites; part of what made the sleepover a lot of fun. “But I think Summer is bringing something healthier. A muffin or bread or something vegan?” He rubbed his chin. “I forget, but it’s homemade and delicious, and works for Vera’s delicate system.”
“Alright. Well, you two have fun. I’ll meet you for brunch.”
“Ten-thirty, right? And bring your date.” Adam opened the door of his truck, and Vera climbed in. “Put your seatbelt on.”
I laughed, watching as Vera did as she was told. “Yeah, I don’t think so. A little too soon to introduce him to everyone.”
“Fran’s met him, Mia has hung out at the restaurant on occasion, and I’m about to meet him. It would just be Mom and Dad who are new.”
“And Harrison.” My youngest brother hadn’t been to a monthly brunch in a few months.
“Yeah, well, he’s too busy flaking out on everyone. Mom and Dad are tame.”
I shook my head. “I’m not bringing David. We’re not even a couple.”
“Right.” He grinned and bobbed his head. “Francesca gave me all the details. If he isn’t now, I highly suspect he will be after tonight.”
A little Mini Cooper rounded the corner. Shit, David was early.
“Don’t you have a movie marathon to get started?” I started shoving Adam toward his side of the truck.
He glanced down the road, and a brotherly smirk filled his face. “Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d like to stay for a minute.”
“Get going.” My teeth gritted together. The last thing I wanted was for Adam to make a scene.
David pulled in front of the house, leaving room for Adam to back out of the driveway, and stepped out of the car looking as dapper as ever. A step up from his dress pants and button up, David had added a form-fitting suit jacket, ratcheting the hot factor by ten. Damn, did he ever look not put together?
“Hello.” I barely breathed out.
He produced two roses from behind his back and handed the red one to me without breaking eye contact. “For you.”
“Thank you.” I accepted and bowed my head, noticing at that moment how I was still in sweats. Good grief. “I’m changing. In a minute. Just sending Vera and Adam off.”
He lifted the other rose. “For Vera. May I?”
I swallowed and blinked. Maybe Libby was right, and he had read some rule book about courting. “She’d like that.”
David walked over and handed the pink rose to my daughter. The giant smile on her face was bright enough to glow like a lighthouse beacon. David signedfor a princess,and she eagerly accepted the flower, stuffing her nose deep into the velvety petals.
I waved and blew a kiss at my daughter as my hands signed. “Have fun tonight.”
David stepped away from the truck as Adam walked closer and shook his hand. “Good to see you again.”
“You as well.”
Adam turned in my direction. “I can keep David company if you want to get changed.”