Page 37 of Unforgiven in Cheshire Bay
“Oh god, no.”
“Whew. I’m sure I can find something suitable andbusiness fancy.” My selection wasn’t great but there was a secondhand store in Stewart Surf I could go browsing in.
David took another sip of his coffee, and then a larger gulp. “I’ll pick you up at six-thirty. Or do you need more time? When does the market end?”
“Four, but I’ll be home by five. It’s plenty of time.” I could always unpack the next morning if I felt I needed more time.
He took a final sip and set his coffee down. “Thanks for the coffee.”
Libby smiled, more like beamed. “Anytime, David.”
I walked him to the landing. “Thank you for the flowers.”
“Of course. They are almost as pretty as you.” With that, he leaned forward and placed a delicate kiss upon my heated cheek. It was the closest I’d been to sex in seven years. “See you Saturday.”
The screen door closed, and I released my breath. “Wow.”
“Wow is right.” Libby was as lit up as a Christmas tree. “That boy has it bad. And you said he wasn’t interested?”
“He sure didn’t act like it on Sunday.”
“Oh my god, he’s smitten. Like totally. Someone’s been reading the rule book on being a perfect gentleman. Talk about courting. Wow.” She danced back into the kitchen and grabbed our still-full coffees. “And I like that about him. That’s a points win in my books. Probably Fran’s too, and most definitely Adam’s.”
“Do you think Adam has anything to do with this?”
He had already spent time in jail for pounding the tar out of a guy that attempted to assault his girlfriend, so I wouldn’t put it past him to beg a guy to be interested in me.
She bobbed her head, jumped up, and sat on the counter, something I’d never let my daughter do. “Nah. That’s more Mia’s style.”
Well, my sister better not have had a hand in it. It would be nice to think a guy was interested in me because ofmeand not some weird influence from my family.
“So, what are you going to wear?”
“I have no idea. What’s going on around here Saturday night?”
She pulled out her phone and scrolled. “Not much. There’s a festival in Moon Bay, but it looks like it’s a VIP thing.”
“Yeah, that wouldn’t be a business fancy.” Still, my mind was reeling.
What was I going to wear? And most importantly, what should I wear underneath it all? It needed to be something sexy for sure. Just in case.
Chapter Twelve
Saturday night arrived with as much excitement as Christmas morning. For the first time since I started working in the markets, I actually couldn’t wait to be finished and head home. Libby sensed the energy too since she commented I was bouncing more than she usually did.
Racing home, I didn’t even unpack the truck. I left it parked beside the garage, praying it didn’t rain overnight. After sitting with Vera and listening to her fun-filled adventurous day with Francesca, I placed a kiss on her forehead and went into full date preparation mode. I scrubbed, I shaved, and I lotioned up my arms and legs, making sure I was as sweetly smelling as I was smooth. For some reason, even my hair cooperated as I twisted the sides into loose braids and pinned them at the back in a messy bun. It was soft and romantic looking, and if I did say so myself, it was on point.
Adam arrived promptly at six-fifteen as I didn’t want him there when David arrived. My goal was to get Vera off for the evening and to finish getting dressed. At least hair and makeup were done.
“I hope you’re changing?” Adam ran a disapproving gaze over me.
“What? You don’t think the sweats are appropriate?” I spun around and ended with a plie.
“Nope.” He grabbed Vera’s overnight bag and signed for her to bring her favourite stuffy.
“Well, I have a new dress. I’d put it on, but I still have time.” Not a lot, but that was the last step. Five minutes tops, or even less if I skipped squeezing into the spanx.
I walked hand in hand with Vera out to Adam’s truck. “What will you two be up to this evening?”