Page 55 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
I place my son down beside us, gripping his hand tight as he takes small steps. He peers down at the sand in awe as he twirls his feet about, having never come across it before. Giggling, he gazes back up at me with the cutest smile, laughing and jumping.
“Do you like the beach?”
“Aha!” he squeals, clenching his fist and waving it about enthusiastically. In his excitement, he trips over a small mound of sand, landing on his butt. Confusingly, he looks around as if to figure out what just happened.
“Uh oh!” I quip.
He digs his fingers into the sand, lifting out a handful of it and throwing it away. I get down on my knees, repeating the motion. He smiles and squeals with glee.
“Let’s build a little house, shall we?”
I bunch up little walls with my hands as he looks on in wonder. He reaches out to touch it but ends up causing the walls to collapse.
“Oopsy daisy!” I say to him. “Why don’t you try now?”
As my son continues playing around in the sand, I gaze out upon the sea. I reflect on my journey up until this point, through all of the highs and lows that got me to where I am now. As I meditate on everything, I know one thing is for certain; I couldn’t be any happier with how it all worked out in the end.
What had started out as a journey to get out of the clutches of an abusive boss blossomed into something wonderful. Not only did I obtain my freedom but I got a loving partner and a son out of it all.
A few minutes pass as the weather begins to cool, bringing with it a light breeze that sends goosebumps up along my arm. I pick up my son, brushing the sand off of the both of us before resting him in my arms. Smiling, I look out upon the sea one more time before making the journey home.
I walk by the tavern on the way home. Taking a smoke break just outside is Nova, excitedly waving at us.
“This is Traisius? He’s so adorable! Hello!” she quips, shaking my son’s hand and causing him to laugh. “We’ve got to organize a little playdate between him and my son.”
“That sounds so cute. You should come by mine one of these nights. I’ll cook up something for us all and they can play while you, Zy and I all relax with a bottle of wine or two.”
“Oh for sure. Listen, I better get back inside before the customers start complaining.”
“Yeah of course. I’ll see you soon.”
“Absolutely, and I can’t wait to meet you again, young man!” she says, waving goodbye to Traisius as she heads inside.
“Ah!” he exclaims.
“Good boy, you’re so polite!” I say, pinching his cheek. “Let’s get home to Daddy.”
A few minutes later, I’m walking up to the front door when a sudden sight jumps out at me. A neatly arranged formation of flowers sits in front of the door, shaped as a love heart.
“Hmm,” I mutter, tilting my head.
Opening the door, I slowly step inside, peering around with curiosity. Nothing immediately catches my attention so I continue at my normal pace, bringing Traisius to his play area, littered with toys.
“Better go hang up my coat,” I say to myself. Turning around, I shake it off as I approach the coat hooks. Suddenly, I come to a halt, seeing there hangs from one of the hooks a very small basket.
Peering inside, there’s a neatly wrapped bag of my favorite treat; nimond beans. They’re hard to come by in the bakeries around here and are expensive. I blush, finding a little note tucked in that reads‘For my own little nimond bean’.
Blushing, I look around, knowing something is up.
“Zy’s supposed to be at work.”
On high alert, I walk to the kitchen where I find a bouquet of beautiful red flowers alongside a bottle of rirzed wine. Attached is another note that reads‘You make me drunk in love’.
“He’s got to be around here somewhere,” I laugh. Something clicks inside of me, a little voice whispering that I should make my way to the bedroom. Marching straight for it, I’m still caught off guard when I walk in to see Zy bent down on one knee. I throw a hand to cover my mouth as I gasp in delight.
“Surprise!” he chuckles. “Kyra, there’s something I’ve wanted to ask for you for a very long time. Some months ago, I made the treacherous mistake of believing we could never be together. Ever since we reunited in love, I’ve been thinking about how we can further strengthen our bond, in such a way that shows you just how much I need you in my life.”
“Zy…” I say shakily in disbelief.