Page 40 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
“It’s me,” I reply,m stepping into the light.
Nova’s eyes widen at the sight of me.
“Zy! Come quick, Kyra’s over here!” she yells.
I rush over, circling around the entrance of the bar. Stopped behind the counter in the corner is Kyra with her head buried between her arms. Lacerations sit across various parts of her body, and though they have stopped bleeding, the dried blood is enough to send me into a shock.
“Kyra!” I exclaim, rushing to her side. I bend to her level, gently grasping her chin. She’s shaking in my grip as I raise her head. Brandished over her face were bruises on her cheeks and a swollen black eye.
Her eyes don’t meet mine as they stare blankly ahead. I’m not even sure she registers my presence.
“What the fuck happened here?” I ask Nova.
“Her old boss came in. Once he saw Kyra, something just snapped. He grabbed the nearest glass and smashed it against her face.”
The mention of Mosar awakens within me a sense of vengeance.
“Somehow I managed to pull him off of her before it got worse,” says Nova.
“I’m going to take her home.”
I grab hold of Kyra, pulling her close to my chest as I rise to my feet. I turn to leave when Nova reaches for my arm.
“You’ve got to get rid of Mosar, get that fucker!”
“Don’t worry, I intend to.”
I leave the tavern, jogging back to Phemes’ house as Kyra continues shaking uncontrollably in my arms. Along the way, I look down at her often, affirming that everything will be just fine.
I arrive back at Phemes’ residence, knocking with my foot. Phemes opens the door, recoiling with shock when she sees the state of Kyra. She gasps, throwing a hand to her mouth.
“Traisius?” mumbles Kyra as our son wails from inside Phemes’ home.
“Come inside, quickly!” exclaims Phemes, ushering us in. “Take her into the room on your left, I have a patient’s bed set up.”
I carefully place her down on the bed. Seated behind us is Traisius, who seemingly knows something is majorly wrong. Phemes comes to the other side of the bed, throwing a hand to Kyra’s forehead.
“Some major lacerations and bruising…a black eye… what the fuck happened to her?” she asks.
“Her old owner got his hands on her,” I growl before turning to Traisius. I stroke his head, calming him down somewhat. “I’m sorry about all of this Phemes, can you take care of her?”
“Of course but where are you going?” she asks as I make way for the door.
Looking over my shoulder, I turn to her with a look of bloodlust in my eyes.
“I’m going to handle this once and for all!”
I leave her home, marching out the door and onto the streets. Fueled by the rage that fills me, I storm through the streets, making way for Mosar’s residence. I know where he lives from when I used to walk Kyra back to her palace late at night.
Of all the reasons I had expected Kyra’s absence to be because, nothing could have prepared me for the condition I saw her in behind the bar. It makes me think of when we first met, was she wearing makeup to cover up all the bruises?
I then recall the day she came to me, some time after initially dumping me aside. The look in her eyes and the seriousness in her voice when she told me of Mosar. Never did I doubt her tale when she told me of her plights with Mosar but this only reaffirmed in my mind how terrible of a person he must be.
I brew a plan in my head. No doubt Mosar is going to do anything he can to avoid facing justice but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try. One thing is for certain, he’s going to apologize for what he’s done to Kyra, and catch a beating should he try anything stupid.