Page 39 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
It closes with a loud thud, leaving the house quiet save for the ops and crackles of the fireplace. I place the leftover food above the heat and amble over to my son, pulling his cot close as I sit on the edge of the bed.
“Looks like it’s just you and I again, eh?” I ask him. He responds with a playful cry, grabbing my hand. I glance over my shoulder, looking at her side of the bed where she once laid all day, carrying our son for us.
Why is it I want her here more than ever?I think.I thought I’d be ready to see her less… But it’s harder than I expected.
Just then, I hear the bubbling of the bahru. I remove it from the fire and put some in a bowl. Taking a seat at the table, I look across to the empty seat where Kyra would sit every evening, eating with me.
After finishing dinner, I pick up my son from his cot and bring him to bed. I lie down on Kyra’s side where I then begin cradling Traisius. I missed Kyra being here, and even after months of mentally preparing myself for when things changed, I still had no idea what to do.
Being here without her only gives my mind an excuse to overthink. Inevitably leading to some of the bad memories in our friendship. The thoughts of how she used me keeps crossing my mind, a move that still irks me when I give it too much attention.
Luckily, I’m always able to brush it off, remembering her motive to get away from her abusive owner. However, it didn’t help that I always think of how at the end of it all, she’s still not interested in having me as a mate.
If only she was…I wonder as my eyes become heavy. Soon, they close all the way as I fall asleep with Traisius, who himself has passed out on my chest.
I’m suddenly jolted awake by the sound of him crying. In a moment of temporary panic, I glance around, seeing the room has become much darker. Looking out the window, the sky is pitch black with dots of white stars hanging high.
Groggily, I run a hand over my face, shaking off the weariness as I look at the clock hanging on the wall. It’s the middle of the night with only two hours remaining until sunrise.
“Damn,” I groan in confusion. It feels like I’ve only just closed my eyes and time went by in the snap of a thumb. Traisius’s crying roars out again. I look to the bed, seeing him sprawled out among the sheets.
Instinctively, I rush over and pick him up. His cries quieten down as I comfort him. It’s at that moment I realize that Kyra should be home by now. I glance again to the clock on the wall.
“Where could she be?”
I take a look around the house but she’s nowhere to be seen.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” I mutter. “Something isn’t right.”
Rushing to the window, I peek out, seeing there’s no one walking the streets. At that moment, I decide to head to the Broken Horn Tavern. After throwing on my coat, I wrap a blanket around my son and dash out the door.
I run to the house beside us, belonging to Phemes. I knock on the door quickly but with reserved strength, knowing the time of night. The door opens, and there stands Phemes, wrapped in a robe.
“Zy? Is everything alright?” she asks, her face tired.
“I’m so sorry to bother you Phemes. I know it’s very late but I have an emergency.”
“How can I help?” she says, her posture straightening as though the sense of duty reinvigorates her. “Is there something wrong with Kyra?”
“That’s what I’m going to find out, but I can’t bring my son with me. Can you watch over him for a while?” I ask.
“Say no more, go now and seek Kyra, I’ll look after the child.”
Phemes takes Traisius from me. As soon as he nestles on her chest, I spin around on my heels and break off into a jog. Hitting the streets, I then increase my speed into a sprint, desperate to find Kyra as I head toward the Broken Horn Tavern.
As I traverse through the bitter cold of the night, I begin wondering to myself if this is all just an overreaction.
What if her hours were extended and she only found out tonight?
Then again, it was her sole responsibility to feed him once she returned from work. There had to be a reason why she wasn’t home on time.
What if she’s run off with another minotaur?I think before immediately brushing it off. I knew she wasn’t into me any more but I highly doubt she’d abandon her son.
I finally make it to the tavern, bursting in through the door. What stands before me blows my mind. Strewn about all around me are upturned tables, torn decorations, rugs thrown everywhere, and shards of broken glass dotting the floor
“What the fuck happened here?”
“Who’s there?” calls Nova, popping up from behind the counter. She wields in her hands a plank of wood, “We’re closed!”