Page 15 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
“Killer shot,” says Zy. “No points survived.”
“Shut up,” I snap. “Let’s see you do better.”
I sulkingly take a seat, sipping on my ale as he takes his shot. His gaze becomes laser focused as he rears the dart back before hurling it forward. It lands dead center, hitting a perfect shot. Nonchalantly, he strolls to my side and takes a drink.
“Don’t say anything,” I laugh. “This’ll be my redemption shot, just watch.”
“Oh I am, don’t you worry.”
I throw my shot with more focus this time, landing in the zone earning the lowest points.
“Well… it’s better than zero,” he says, grimacing.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s still the beginning of the game.”
“It’s all about how you start,” he remarks, followed by another perfect shot.
We take turns back and forth for a while, running through three separate games, all of which I lose. Upon the finale of the third game, he turns to me brandishing a wide smile. I stand up and square up to him, extending my hand out.
“Good games,” I say, shaking his hand.
“Taking your losses like a champion, that’s honorable of you.”
The time comes for the bar to close as Nova begins cleaning up. Zy helps me slip on my coat before we find ourselves outside.
“Well I guess it’s time to go. Can I walk you home tonight?” he asks.
“I think I’ll make my own way back, but thanks for the offer,” I reply.
“No problem,” he says with a smile. “It was good seeing you tonight. Take care Kyra.”
He leans down, imparting a passionate kiss on my lips. He pulls back for a moment, his eyes lingering on mine before planting a smaller kiss. With that, Zy turns and begins making his way home. A part of me wishes to join him, not for sex but just for his company.
Wait… What the fuck am I thinking? Remember the plan Kyra,I think as I turn and march in the other direction. As I stroll home, I question just how long life is going to be like this, knowing something was going to happen soon.
Most of the time I meet Kyra at the tavern, but we don’t always stick around. I’m used to being outdoors, so sometimes we take walks along the city canals, rather than stick to the same routine. Usually I know I can find her easily, chatting with her barmaid friend Nova- but sometimes it can take me a little longer to get out, as my guard patrols take me all over the city.
She’s already waiting by the bar by the time I arrive, late from finishing my guard duties. Tonight she is wearing another simple dress, and her flaxen hair is pinned back with another one of those sparkly combs she likes. Kyra is a beautiful woman, and all I can think about these days is spending more time with her.
Rather than spend another evening sneaking touches beneath the table, I pull her to me, and take her outside. She gasps in surprise but follows me easily, and I love the easy trust she puts in me. I want more of that- more of her, and tonight that’s exactly what I plan to show her.
“Where are we going?” She asks, curious and smiling. I glance down to find her looking up at me expectantly, open and honest. Feeling my cheeks warm, I remember that I just dragged her out of the bar without any explanation.
“Uh, well, it’s such a nice night- I thought we’d go for a walk, wander and explore.” I grab a few Dipir kabobs from a passing street vendor, and hand one to her.
“Sure, that sounds great,” Kyra replies, munching happily. Sometimes we wander around the more public parts of town, chatting and getting to know each other- away from crowds. Tonight however, I have a more specific destination in mind.
We step over the cobbled stones, my hooves clatter past traffic while Kyra talks about her day. I listen attentively, slowly guiding her along the streets. I do have a plan in mind for tonight, but I always enjoy spending time with her regardless.
The moon shines down, illuminating the streets as we walk. After a few turns we end up in a familiar neighborhood, until we reach the doorstep.
“Where are we?” Kyra asks, noticing our surroundings for the first time, caught up as she has been in our conversation. She looks around, then back at me, awaiting an explanation.
“Well, this is, uh, my home, actually,” I cough, suddenly awkward and nervous. All my ideas seem to curl into smoke as I take in her wondering expression. “I thought that tonight I could invite you over, and show you my home.”