Page 45 of Baby for Brother's Best Friend
Realizing that I hadn’t been paying attention when we made our way to his room, I turned around.
Blake was standing just a few feet away, barely hiding a grin. “I’ll show you the way to your dress.”
“Thank you.” I clipped out, stepping back so that he could pass me.
I followed him as he made his way through the sprawling apartment, and I tried not to gawk as we made our way past room after room, each more impressive than the last.
Finally, we entered the large great room that I recognized, and I spied my dress on the other end of it, lying in a puddle on the floor.
As I pulled it back on, he walked over and grabbed my small purse from where I had dropped it by the door, holding it out to me.
“Jeffers is downstairs,” he said, glancing down at the message on his phone.
I just nodded as I reached forward and grabbed the proffered bag, hoisting it onto my shoulder.
“Thank you,” I told him honestly. “Not for the sex. But for tonight. For everything with my family.”
“You can thank me for the sex, too. It’s fine.” The corner of his mouth ticked up in a lopsided grin, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Fine.” I rolled my eyes. “Well, goodnight.”
He looked confused for a moment like he didn’t know how to end the evening.
For a moment, I thought he would lean in and kiss me, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to. But, in the end, he just gave me another smile and said, “Goodnight, Nell.”
I stepped into the elevator, pressing the button to take me to the lobby, and when the doors shut firmly, I leaned back against the cool glass of the mirrored wall.
Every one of my thoughts was racing a mile a minute, flitting from one feeling to the next so fast that I couldn’t follow a single one.
I blew out a breath as the elevator descended slowly.
I wasn’t sure how I felt about what happened earlier.
The sex was, well, it was nothing short of amazing.
And dancing with Blake on the dance floor in front of all those people? It had been so fun and exhilarating.
I looked down at my hand, noticing something gleaming on my left hand.
With shock, I realized that it was the fake engagement ring.
I toyed with it a bit, twirling it around my finger as my thoughts continued to spiral.
By the time the elevator reached the lobby, my train of thought wasn’t any clearer.
In fact, there was only one thing I was sure of. And that’s no matter how this played out; I had really gotten myself into a mess.
My phone rang loudly,bringing me out of my spiraling thoughts as I peeled my eyes away from the computer screen I had been staring at for the past hour.
I had been re-reading the same two emails over and over again, trying to make sense of them.
But no matter how hard I tried, the only thing that consumed my thoughts was Nell and how things had ended with her two nights before.
I glanced at my phone, seeing Jourdan’s name dancing along it as it continued to ring.