Page 44 of Baby for Brother's Best Friend
“Look,” he began, but I pushed myself up away from his body, suddenly feeling the need to go home.
I didn’t want to have this conversation with him. Not now, not when we had just done what we had, and I still bared the evidence on the inside of my thigh.
I needed to think.
“Nell,” he protested, his hand coming to rest on my shoulder as he tried to stop me from moving, but I shook him off. “I didn’t mean anything by this.”
He continued to protest, but I shook my head.
“I should get home.” My voice was low as I pushed myself up off of the mattress.
Some part of me knew his words shouldn’t be affecting me the way they were.
Especially since they were true.
Wedidcome from the same type of family.
But I guess that was the problem, wasn’t it?
I had tried so hard to remove myself from that world, to make my own life separate from the privilege and the judgment.
And then there I was, right smack dab in the middle of it and wrapped in the arms of the poster boy for it all.
“I should get home,” I repeated as I pushed myself to stand.
I bent over, grabbing my shoes from the floor, and I heard the shuffling of the blankets behind me as he sat up and crawled off the bed as well.
“You don’t have to go,” he protested. “You can stay. We can talk.”
I shook my head. “I want to sleep in my own bed, Blake. Let me go.”
I stood up straight, meeting his gaze so he would know I wasn’t budging on this. A nerve ticked in his jaw, but he nodded.
“I’ll give you some sweats to wear home,” he offered, starting to turn toward his closet, but I stopped him.
“No, I’ll just wear the dress.”
“If you wear that dress, then I’m calling you a car,” he countered.
I tried to shake my head, but he immediately stopped me. “Nell, you cannot ride the subway in that gown or wearing that clearly incredibly expensive necklace. Not at this time of night. You might be a born and bred New Yorker, but even you know that that is as reckless as it gets.”
He didn’t even look at me as he grabbed his phone from the bed and began pressing buttons on the screen.
I had to admit that he had a point, and I didn’t argue any further as he finished his message and then looked up at me.
“Jeffers will be out front in five. He can take you home.”
His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, and his blue eyes darkened as they held my gaze.
“I’m gonna let you know one more time that you can stay,” he said, raising his eyebrows hopefully, but that hope faded the moment I shook my head.
“I’m not mad,” I clarified, and it was the truth. I wasn’t mad. But I was confused, and I needed a little distance before all of this could get jumbled in my head. “This is all just a lot, and I want to go home. I need a little space to sort through it all.”
He nodded, but I could see a bit of hurt flash in his stormy gaze.
I wanted to walk over to him and kiss him, wanted to make that hurt go away, but I immediately stamped the urge down. That kind of thinking is precisely what got me into this mess in the first place.
I turned and walked out of his bedroom but immediately found myself in a long, unfamiliar hallway.