Page 85 of Sacrilege
“Perfect. Jacqulin, be on your best behavior with Father Zimmerman.” His tone is icy and holds a threat in there I don’t like. “Father, I shall be by tomorrow to talk to you about Pre-Cana courses.”
Nodding my head, I smile. Trying not to tell him that over my dead body will there be any classes taking place between Gomez and my girl. “That sounds perfect, Mr. Luciano.” He glares at Jacqulin, and I simply stand there until he is heading back toward the club.
“Come, Jacqulin.” Turning to her, I put a smile on my face. “Is it alright if I call you Jacqulin?” Fuck, this docile shit is so not me.
“Yes, of course, Father Zimmerman.” I want to hear her moaning as I make her cum on my cock. Tampering down my want, I hold out my arm for her and she slides her hand around the crook of my upper arm and elbow.
“We will have to walk one block down and one block to the right to get my vehicle.”
She gives my arm a squeeze and looks at me. “That’s alright. I can manage until I get home.”
That’s the thing, I don’t want her managing. I want her pampered and begging for more than just barely getting by.
“Good, then let’s get you home so you can get out of that dress.”
The smile she gives me almost blinds me. It’s beautiful and bright, so endearing. There’s a small hope inside of me that keeps growing with each moment I spend with her. Too bad nothing can ever grow between us.
The walk is nice and quiet. There’s no forced feeling of dread when it’s silent between us. My mind thinks about Father Zimmerman and how he is truly a gentleman. He checks on me every few moments to make sure my feet aren’t hurting. I wonder what it would be like to be with a man like him. That’s not in the cards for me, but I can’t help but wonder.
My skin is itching like crazy, but I don’t want to scratch in front of him. By the time we get to his vehicle, I’m in tears. A sniffle escapes me before I can reel it in. Father Zimmerman looks down at me and there’s a glare in his eyes. Oh no, I’ve made him mad.
Shaking, I try to keep from crying. “I’m sorry Father Zimmerman. I…” He stops me from talking with a finger on my lips.
“Don’t apologize. Your skin is even more irritated now, and I’m sure you are in pain. I have a sweatshirt in the trunk that you can wear if you wish to change so you can get out of the dress.”
“You… You aren’t mad at me?” God, I sound so weak. The need to make this man happy is driving me bonkers.
“Why would you being in pain cause me to be angry, little one?” His tone makes my heart flutter and my womanhood tingle.
“I don’t know,” I whisper. He smiles as he pulls the sweatshirt from his trunk and hands it to me.
“Get in the backseat and change out of that dress. I promise to keep you from being seen.”
Doing as he says, I get in the car and shut the door. My entire body is vibrating with something unfamiliar and the need to keep it that way makes me whimper. Taking a big breath, I yank off the stupid dress and put on the sweatshirt. It instantly fills my nostrils with the smell of Father Zimmerman. My lower lip trembles as I think about how much his smell calms me. It’s an amazing aphrodisiac that I want to scent my entire world with.
Stepping out of the vehicle, I look at his back and do something so bad. I run a hand along his back, and he groans. He steps away and I look down. Why am I so sinful? “I’m sorry, Father Zimmerman.” He chuckles and takes the dress from me as he turns around.
“You look good in my clothes.” He clears his throat and shakes his head. “That was inappropriate for me to say. Let’s get you home Jacqulin.”
“Yes, sir.” He closes his eyes again and takes in a deep breath. Did I cause him discomfort? Why am I so awkward?
Father Zimmerman helps me into the front seat and buckles my seatbelt. I do something naughty. Without thinking, I kiss his cheek and he stills. “Are you trying to tempt me, little one?”
His words are gruff, and his eyes dilate. “Yes.” My whisper comes out before I can think of what I’m saying.
“Germaine,” he says. My brow furrows, and he keeps staring at me as he pushes a hand into my hair. “My name is Germaine. Say it.”
Swallowing, I search his eyes for something. Some inkling that he wants me as much as I want him. It’s insane how my entire world seems to zone in on him. “Germaine.”
“Fuck.” My eyes go wide as he cusses.
“You said a bad word.” Germaine chuckles and his lips descend upon mine. My first kiss is from a priest.
It’s not chaste either. He suckles on my bottom lip and as my mouth opens; he pushes his tongue in. Exploring me. No, that’s too mild for what he’s doing. Conquering me. Yes, that’s the word I was looking for.