Page 84 of Sacrilege
“Ah, Arturo.” My father holds out his arms like he's the Godfather, and I nearly laugh. That movie was epic, but seeing my father act like some big mafia man is crazy. Arturo air kisses my father, and I roll my eyes.
“You must be my shining star, Jacqulin.” He reaches for me and pulls me into him. He cops a feel of my ass and moans in my ear. “You look stunning in that dress. It’s my late wife’s.”
My night went from bad to worse in a second. His dead wife’s dress? Disgusting. “Thank you.” I can barely talk through my tight lined lips, but I try to be civil.
“You’ll be taking her place to give me heirs. When I found out she was infertile, I had her killed in a car accident. Easiest way to kill someone without it being looked into.”
I’m trembling by the time he’s finished talking. “Let’s sit down and have a conversation,” my father says as he steers us to the VIP section, where it isn’t so loud.
It’s hot in this club. Or that might be the blood pressure rising in my brain. He killed his wife. He. Killed. His. Wife. Those words are on repeat as I sit here, trying to find an escape.
Am I stalking Jacqulin? Yes, I am. Could my cover get blown tonight? Yes, it could. Do I give a fuck? No, no, I don’t. Ellie, the undercover agent we have in the house, texted me when they left and described everything that happened. It’s only a matter of time before they get out of hand and I have to step in, anyway.
Stepping into the club, I have eyes on them, and my gaze doesn’t leave Jacqulin. She looks uncomfortable, and she’s scratching at her arms and neck. That irritates me and I don’t even know why. Hell, I should be back at the church, taking down more thugs.
“What can I get you?” The bartender gives me the eyes. You know, the ones that tell you, hey, I’m into you and I want to fuck you. Yup, not interested. “Just water with lime, please.”
“You seem like a whiskey man,” she purrs. Goddamn, if I had never seen Jacqulin or still was in a wild oats kind of mind frame, I’d have taken this type of woman up on her offer. I’m kind of disgusted to admit that. But I’m grateful things have changed, and I’ve only got eyes for one girl.
“No.” I turn to her and smile. “Water with lime, please.”
She huffs but she gives me an extra lime. “Thank you.” I walk away from the bar and mingle in the crowd. It’s too bad we didn’t have time to wire this place tonight. The last time the Cartel met up here, we busted a group of fifty soldiers.
Jacqulin excuses herself, and she looks ill. She looks so pale, but it’s the red welts on her skin that have me livid. I know I cannot go up to her. Not tonight and not here. A priest has no business being in a club. Gomez and Luciano are talking as if they are pals. I decide to follow my girl.
She’s outside, to the right of the building where there’s lots of light. At least she was smart enough to go to the back. I will have to give her an award for that. Since I’m wearing a black button down and black slacks, I place my Roman collar on. This way, she’ll see I’m still in my priest state. My dick, however…that’s a different story. The son of a bitch won’t go down. Not with Jacqulin around.
“What are you doing out here all alone?” I ask her, pulling the Bible from the back of my pants waist. Gotta stay in character.
“Father Zimmerman!” She gasps and backs up against the building. As I get closer to her, I do, in fact, see the red welts on her body.
“Are you alright, little one?”
“I hate lace,” she says miserably. “It’s so itchy.” Her voice is barely a whisper. The bastards made her wear the dress. It’s a gorgeous one, but it’s not her style. She should be in chiffon.
“You’re allergic.” It’s not a question because it’s clear as day she’s not alright. “Why don’t we get you out of this dress?”
A blush creeps up her cheeks, and she looks down. “I mustn’t stay outside too long. My father will be furious.”
“You need to get out of that dress,” I demand and take her face in my hands to see her eyes. She’s having a hard time breathing, and I can tell she’s turned on by me. The feelings are mutual, little one. I desperately want to tell her that, but she trusts me. For now.
“What the fuck do you think… Oh, Father Zimmerman.” Jacqulin’s father comes into view. “Forgive me. I didn’t realize who you were without your robes.” Her father tries to chuckle to defuse the situation.
“No apology needed, Mr. Luciano. I noticed this young woman standing here, looking ill. Just offering to help her get to a safe place.”
“You are mighty generous, Father. This is my daughter, Jacqulin. She’s needed back inside now, though.” He takes her arm, and she winces. I grip the Bible hard to keep from ripping him in half.
“She’s having an allergic reaction to the lace in the dress. It would be highly irresponsible of me to leave her like this.”
Luciano’s jaw ticks, but he has the decency to look down and see her skin is extremely irritated. “I can’t take you anywhere.” He snarls it in her ear, but I hear it.
“Get home. I’ll make an excuse for you with Gomez.” He releases her arm, and I watch as Jacqulin sighs in relief.
“I’ll take her home. The church is only a few blocks from your house.” Luciano looks at me, seeming rather pleased.