Page 305 of Sacrilege
My usual dining hall buddy is off at her telemarketing job, so I set out to dinner by myself. Just as I’m leaving the dorm, I run right into John and his buddies Matthew and Thomas.
“Hey, Rose,” John says. “Heading to the dining hall?”
“Yup. That time of day.” I take off, walking ahead of them, wondering if tonight’s meal will be edible.
“Why don’t you join us?” Matthew calls after me.
I turn around to consider his offer, and when I do, I thank God it’s nearly dark outside. I’m all too aware my face is turning several shades of pink, on the way to nice, blinding bright red. While John himself is a sight to behold, his buddies are equally if not more talented in the looks department. Seriously. Girls all over campus point at and talk about these guys, and when they realize I ‘kind of’ know them because they live in my dorm, they’ve often cozied up to me in the hopes of an introduction or two.
At this ‘Christian’ school, we’re taught that nice girls don’t chase boys.
Total crock of shit. They might not be putting out, but they know a hottie when they see one.
“Sure. Thanks.” I fall into line with them and it’s not lost on me that they’re looking me up and down.
So much for ‘suppressing urges.’
They chitchat about sports on the way to the dining hall, and I’m only half listening, with less than zero interest. I’m just doing my best not to stare.
These guys might be drop-dead gorgeous and helping themselves to an eyeful of me in my tight blue jeans, high-heeled boots, and worn leather jacket—out of the norm for this place—but it’s hard to imagine being in anything other than the friend zone with them.
Because after graduation, just like John, Matthew and Thomas are joining him at God school. Also known as seminary.
They are becoming priests. All three of them.
“Anybody down for ice cream?”
Yeah, if you can rub it all over my…
Shit. Never mind.
Thomas holds the door open for me as we leave the dining hall and when I glance up at him in thanks, he’s looking at me so intently my heart flutters for a moment.
And I’m not a fluttery-heart kind of girl.
“Th… that sounds great,” I stammer.
Oh my God. I’m not a stammering kind of girl, either.
How can these three guys, on their way to God School, have this sort of effect on me?
Get it together, dumbass.
Five minutes later I’m drowning in the happiness of a double-scoop of ice cream, all the fat and sugar helping me forget the world is imperfect and that I’ll never see these men naked.
“Can’t believe you got vanilla,” Matthew says to me. “So boring.”
“What?” I huff.
Is that a twinkle in his eye? Are men bound for God School allowed to flirt?
I hold my chin up proudly. “I’ll have you know vanilla is the best flavor there is, and why the hell it gets a bad rap is beyond me.”
Their gazes snap in my direction.