Page 304 of Sacrilege
Seminary. As in becoming a priest, seminary.
Waste of a hunky guy if you ask me, but who am I to question people who ‘get a calling?’
My ‘calling’ is to finish at this freaking school and get the hell out from under my mother’s thumb.
Goals, yo.
“So, how you doing with calc?” he asks, gesturing at my book.
Ugh. He had to ask.
While we head back to the dorm together, I side-eye him as discreetly as possible. Cripes, if he weren’t off to God School, as I call it, I’d be all over him.
He rocks the ‘hot nerd’ look that I’m a sucker for, the kind of guy who’s shy on the surface, but an animal behind closed doors.
I know the type well.
Yeah, at Christian universities like mine you’re supposed to be a virgin and all that crap. If you get caught in the room of someone of the opposite sex, you get into serious trouble. If your Resident Assistant, basically the student put in charge of making sure everyone in the dorm behaves, is cool, they might just give you a write up. If they are assholes, they can get you kicked out.
All for going after a little nook-nook.
Fucking lame. That’s why I call RA’s the ‘campus secret police.’
Since I’ve been in this freaking place, I’ve kept my panties on and my legs closed, although I’m a regular viewer of YouPorn on my phone late at night when my roommate’s not around. A girl’s gotta take care of herself.
In fact, I haven’t gotten laid since last summer. That’s a hell of a long time, at least for me, but I can hang with pretending to be all virginal and shit like the other girls around me. Although, I do really wonder if everyone here is as chaste as they claim to be. I find it highly unlikely, given that we are surrounded by unlimited numbers of people our own age, all of us at peak biological horniness years.
“Calc sucks,” I say, “and Professor Dickwad can suck my left—”
A quick glance at John tells me to rein it in with the vulgar talk.
So I start over. “What I meant to say is that the class is not going very well.”
Let’s leave it at that.
We reach the girls’ floor of the dormitory. It’s ironic there’s even a co-ed dorm at this school but the RAs watch us like hawks. If we even enter the hallway of the opposite sex, we better have a very good reason.
“See ya later, Rose. Good luck with calc,” John says, hitting the stairwell to his floor.
“Thanks again,” I call to him over my shoulder.
When I reach my room, I could swear I hear a buzzing coming from the other side of the door. Does my roommate—?
No. No way would she have a vibrator.
But to save her the embarrassment, just in case, I make a big racket just outside the door by dropping my books and grousing about it loudly. Then, I fumble my keys in the lock for a good minute, dropping them and picking them back up a couple times.
If that doesn’t let her know I’m here, she needs to have her hearing checked.
“Oh, hi Rose,” she chirps when I finally enter, like she’s surprised to see me. She pops off her bed and pulls her jacket on. “Off to bible study.”
“Have fun.” I take a seat at my desk and open my calc book.
Once she’s gone, I pull out my exam to try and figure out how I went so wrong. Of course, I can’t make heads or tails out of the stuff. It just looks like hieroglyphics.
I’m in trouble, big time.
But first, I need food.