Page 101 of Sacrilege
After King dropped me off, I felt awkward just walking inside. I found a cute little garden with a porch swing in the shape of an egg. The weather is nice today, so I drop my purse by the back door and curl up on the seat with my Kindle. King mentioned his dad would be home soon, so while I wait I’ll continue my book. I never was a big reader until Chastity got me into these naughty reverse harem books.
I don’t think I could handle more than one guy, but I can admit the stories are hot and I’ve been enjoying falling into the rabbit hole. Figuratively and literally since I'm reading an awesome twist on Alice in Wonderland, except her name is Allison.
I’m lost in a world of magic and mayhem when someone clearing their throat has me dropping my Kindle and yelping in surprise.
“Oh, Tempest, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I called your name a few times, but whatever you are reading must have been intriguing.” I shield my eyes from the sun with my hand, and stare up into the whiskey-colored eyes of Roman, King’s father.
“Sorry, I got sucked into this book while I waited, and I lost all track of time,” I explain with a small smile, hoping he doesn’t see my blush. I was reading a particularly hot scene.
Roman gives me a gentle smile, his teeth white against his tanned skin. “I didn’t mean to take as long as I did either,” he apologizes. “I’m here now, why don’t you come in and I’ll get dinner started. Are you hungry?”
My stomach growls and I blush again. His lip twitches and I jump up from the swing, biting my bottom lip in embarrassment. “I don’t remember when I last ate. Things were a little crazy back home. Plus, my mother decided I needed to diet,” I confess. “Can I help you make dinner?”
Roman’s eyebrows dip as he gives me an inscrutable look. “Yeah, that’s fine. While you’re living here though, I need you to promise me to eat more often. I don’t want to be responsible for you wasting away.”
Frowning, I nod. Does he think I have an eating disorder? I’m lucky I don’t, given how often my mother has called me fat, or put me on the latest diet trend.
“I don’t make it a habit to skip meals, Sir,” I murmur. “I was bundled into a car and brought here with very little information, and I’m just trying to make the best of this.”
Roman grunts and walks into the house as I follow. He shows me to a room to drop my things off, and it’s clean but very utilitarian. I miss being able to put my stamp of personality on things, but I wouldn’t dare do that here. Plus, who knows how long I’ll actually be here for.
In the kitchen, Roman starts to pull ingredients out of the stainless steel fridge, and I pick up a knife quietly to start dicing the vegetables and onions. I don’t know much about him, but he has broad shoulders like King, and his muscles bunch as he shifts and moves around the kitchen. His gruffness, and the way he’s ignoring me, is starting to turn me on.
He could throw me on top of the counter and eat me instead. I wouldn’t mind at all. I wonder if King would care if I fucked his dad…
Dropping my eyes back down to focus on what I’m doing, I hand my finished work over to Roman. He doesn’t talk much as he cooks, but he knows what he’s doing, and I find that really sexy. I internally groan and scold myself. Seriously, Tempest. This is what gets you in trouble. You have a bag full of toys and batteries to hold you over until we can find someone to release some stress with.
I take a deep breath and try to control my hormones. He’s a preacher, for Christ's sakes. I really need to get laid.
Roman makes some grumbling noises behind me as he cooks. He seems civil, but stern, and I feel like he’s working up to talking about something. Roman has definite Daddy vibes, and when he starts to unbutton his shirt revealing toned, tattooed arms and a defined chest, I know I’m in trouble. He leaves to grab something out of the pantry, and I rub my thighs together, hoping to relieve some of the pressure.
This isn’t good. I haven't even been here twelve hours and I’m already proving to my mother that she’s right and I can’t control my sinful ways.
Soon dinner is done, and I have just finished setting the table when King walks in with his Bible in hand. The boy I knew has changed so much, and it appears he’s embraced this small town and its pious tendencies.
When we sit down to dinner, King leads us in prayer to say Grace. This is yet another example of how different things are now. I keep waiting for him to confront me, or have some callous remark to send my way, like back before we started dating. He was one of my biggest bullies.
Roman clears his throat as I take a bite to quieten the stupid cramping my hungry stomach is causing, and I have a bad feeling. This must be where he lays down the law. He seems on edge and uncomfortable. He runs his hand over his wavy dark hair, and I struggle not to make it known I’m watching him.
“I’m just going to say this once. We are all adults here. I know you and my son used to have something going on, but here, under my roof, I have to ask that you please follow my rules. No closed doors if you're both alone in a room together. And especially no sharing a bed.”
I look up at him, my cheeks red with blush and my mouth gaping. I knew I was about to get a talk, but I didn’t expect him to be so blatant about his son and I. Doesn’t he know that King hasn’t spoken to me in over a year? All of my calls and texts were ignored.
King scoffs and then laughs, shaking his head. “Nothing to worry about. I have Holly now.” His words are like a dull dagger to my heart, and I can't hide the gasp that rips from my lips. I watch as his shoulders sag a little and I give my attention to his father.
I expected his father to be strict while I was here, but King’s caustic indifference surprises me. Maybe it shouldn’t though, since I’ve been gone for two years.
Swallowing, I focus on Roman. These men are both beautiful, but are also strangers. King is choosing to be one, though.
Roman’s staring me down, but not in the way I expected. It's almost as if he's purposely trying not to check out my body. His nostrils flare as I cross my arms, his eyes straining to stay on my face.
“That won't be a problem, Sir,” I say softly, and watch as he gulps. Hmm, interesting. Maybe my reaction to him earlier wasn’t just one sided. He seems a little affected by me, and for a preacher, he really is giving me major Daddy vibes.
What did I agree to? This is bad. When Tempest's mom called out of the blue and asked if she could stay here for a few months, I couldn't say no. It wouldn't be the Christian way. And God knows I'm still repenting for my past.