Page 100 of Sacrilege
“Tempest, please. I have no time for your feelings,” my mother says, her pretty painted lips twisting in annoyance. “This isn’t boding well if he can’t even be on time.”
A familiar black car pulls up beside us on the curb. I don’t even bother looking at my mother, or say goodbye as I step out of our vehicle. It’s not like she’s ever truly been there for me. Always dropping me off, handing me over to someone else after my father sends her a check. A paycheck is all I’ve ever been to her.
He parks and rolls down the window. He won't meet my eyes but my body flushes at his presence.
“Hi, King,” I say, and he takes his eyes off the windshield and meets mine.
“Hey, Temp,” he grumbles, and my mother scoffs.
“Kingston, where is your father?” I watch as her impatience starts to bleed through her mask. She’s ready to dump me off and go, but she’s still pretending to be a decent parent.
“He had a last minute counseling session. He sent me to pick up Tempest,” King says, still looking at me.
My mom sighs, and I can tell she’s gritting her teeth in frustration. “Fine. Please tell your father I expected him here when I dropped her off. I expect her to make good decisions, and I hope you’ll be able to help,” my mother says.
King nods and mumbles, “Yes, ma’am. Get in the car, Temp. We should get going so your mother can move on with her day.”
Wow, I really am a burden to everyone. Quietly, I get into the car, unable to spark any of my usual sass. I feel deflated and confused.
King doesn't speak to me as he drives me to his father's house. I still don't understand what's going on. Why, out of all the places I could be sent, did she choose my stepbrother's father's house? She’s been very vocal about how she doesn’t want King and I near each other, so why am I now being shoved into his presence?
I slam my car into park and don't shut the engine off. Tempest removes her belt and glances at me. “Are you not coming in?” she asks, and I shake my head, still avoiding her eyes and the way her tanned legs are on display in her shorts. It's been almost two years since that night she was ripped out of my arms in my bed. I've moved on. So why is she still making my heart race and my palms sweat? Not to mention making my cock rock hard.
“I have somewhere to be. Garage door is unlocked. My dad should be home soon,” I say, then ignore her as she climbs out and slams the door.
I take off leaving dust kicking into the air in my escape. A glance at the clock shows I'm going to be late and I groan. Holly is always on my case about being on time. It's not like the Bible study can't wait another ten minutes.
I pull into the church parking lot and park. I don't get out right away. I still need to calm my body down. Tempest has always had an innate reaction on me. Even two years later some things never change. Shuddering, I grit my teeth as I exit the car. Why now? Why is she here?
I’m surprised my father agreed to take her in. It’s not like he’s her step-dad or anything. My mom is married to her dad. She is no relation to us, besides being my step-sister. We haven’t even spoken in over a year. I asked her for help after I went through some dark shit, but she never returned my calls or texts. I thought she was going to be the girl I married… But maybe my mom was right. The fact that our relationship was forbidden made it all the more exciting.
I got caught up in the lust and hormones. But I’ve changed, or at least I’m trying to.
So, what does this mean? Now that she’s here in my space once again. The smell of her perfume already clouding my head. Is God testing me? I’ve moved on, left Temp behind, and started dating Holly. A nice girl who would never let someone tarnish her reputation. She’s sweet and helped pull me out of the darkness after I was blamed for something I never did, or would ever do. Am I in love with her? No. Could I ever love her? I don’t know. But for now she’s what I need, and I can’t let Tempest get in the way of my future.
Speaking of, Holly isn’t going to be happy Tempest is here. She may act all holy, but she has a bit of a jealous side, and I know once she learns that my step-sister is back in my life, things are going to get more difficult for me.
Blowing out a breath, I let myself remember the past as I walk to the church doors with heavy steps. I never expected helping a sweet girl with her charity work would throw my life into such a tailspin. Chastity didn’t deserve what happened to her, and I know she feels badly about it. But the fact of the matter is, I got burned because I put myself in the line of fire to protect her, to keep her from harm, and she still lost her freedom.
I should have just ignored her. But she reminded me of Tempest in a way. Lost and pretending to be someone she’s not out of fear. I just wanted to be her friend. I never wanted her to lose her innocence and be sent away.
Sometimes, late at night, when I stare up at the ceiling, unable to sleep, I wish things had turned out differently. I wish I didn’t get caught in the crossfire. I wish I could have saved her from her own personal hell. But wishes aren’t real.
I force a smile of apology as I see Holly, and I decide that since I can’t save anyone, I’m going to stay in my lane and play it safe. My new life is quiet, religious, and so different than it was before. I am a reformed man, and I’m enjoying the change.
The man who tried to help Chastity is gone, and so is the one who was in love with Tempest. It’s time to put away those silly dreams, and move into my future.
I take the seat next to Holly as she starts the Bible study. I try to pay attention and keep a non-bored look from my face, but it’s hard. I know I’m failing when Holly moves closer to me, and I barely hold back the flinch as she squeezes my hand in irritation, digging her manicured nails into my flesh. I roll my shoulders and sit up straight, giving the pretense that I’m not lost in my head as it spirals with 'what ifs?', and so many other questions.
She sighs and relaxes next to me, then gets back to her discussion with Beth Ann. I take in some deep breaths and just submit that this is now my life, and though it’s boring at times, it’s okay. Anything has to be better than the turmoil of my youth. Anything.