Page 7 of Living (Ruined)
I flipped him off just because I was feeling extra pissy and then stormed off down the hall. Ink wasn’t going to give into my shit; that much was clear. And trying to push all of his buttons to get him to do what I wanted was going to do nothing but piss me off further.
But my anger evaporated as soon as I opened our door and laid my eyes on Elaina. She was asleep—naked—and sweat was glistening on the little bit of skin she had uncovered. I sighed and glanced at my watch. It was still too early to give her more medication for her fever. If she didn’t start improving by tomorrow, I was taking her to the doctor, her protests be damned. I tried to give her a little room to get over things on her own, but I had to draw the line somewhere.
If it were up to Alejandro, he’d have taken her to the hospital last night when her body was aching so badly, she was crying. It gutted me so badly to see her like that. All we’d been able to do was hold her and wait for the pain medication to take effect because she refused to go to the emergency room.
I quietly stripped off my clothes, being extra careful not to disturb her sleep. She needed every bit of rest she could get while she was trying to get better.
I eased into bed behind her and gently pulled her feverish body into my arms. She groaned and cuddled further into me, her bare ass pressing against my cock. Despite how bad she was feeling, my shaft hardened, and I softly groaned, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“I feel like shit,” she rasped, her voice hoarse. I was surprised she was awake; I hadn’t expected it.
“I know, sweet girl,” I whispered, tightening my arms around her. “I’ve been in a pissy-ass mood all day because of it.”
She laughed softly and then coughed, curling in on herself as she did so. When the coughing fit finally passed, she groaned and sniffled, her nose stuffed. “I haven’t been able to sleep. Hurt too much,” she muttered. “And I’m so fucking tired. I hate this,” she whined.
I pulled her leg up and back over my hip, hooking her ankle behind my knee. Then, I gripped my shaft and eased inside of her. She was wet enough—always was. She sighed once I was seated inside of her.
Fuck, her body was hot—almost too hot for comfort. But I’d deal. Being inside of her like this always comforted her.
“That feels good,” she whispered, relaxing a little more into my hold.
Fuck, she wasn’t lying. I’d live inside this woman if I could, burning up with fever or not.
“Just relax, sweet girl,” I said softly. I ran my hand over her hair, pressing my lips to her throat a moment later. “Let me take care of you.”
She nodded her head and relaxed against me further. Slowly and gently, I rocked in and out of her, even though it just about killed me to do so knowing her body hurt so bad. But this relaxed her, and she would heal quicker if she was relaxed and sleeping.
Before long, her breathing evened out, and she fell asleep in my arms with my cock still inside of her.
I brushed my lips to her hair and eased out of her before covering us both back up with the blanket. I’d sweat my ass off, no doubt, with all this heat rolling off her body, but I also needed to break her fever. Sweating it out of her would be my best shot.
Be nice if Alejandro was here to sandwich her between us, but he was off doing God-only-knew-what.
I glanced at the door when it opened, and Alejandro stepped in, quietly shutting the door back behind him. Without a word, he slipped his shoes off before shucking out of his clothes. Just as quietly as he entered, he slipped into bed on the other side of her, sandwiching her between us.
I watched him for a moment, but he just met my gaze not saying a word. Fucker.
“Her fever has gone down some,” I whispered, hoping we wouldn’t wake her. She’d been sleeping so well.
He nodded. “Good.” His accent was thick, stress lingering on his words. I wanted to ask him if everything was alright, but now wasn’t the time—not while Elaina was trying to sleep. Besides, business had no room in this bed. That was a rule. Unnecessarily stressing her was a huge fucking boundary we would not cross.
He brushed her blonde hair back from her face, frowning. “She’s still pale. I do not like it.” That was another sign something big was happening. When his accent was so thick he couldn’t combine words like do not into don’t, I knew he had a shit storm on the horizon.