Page 6 of Living (Ruined)
I brushed my lips to her temple. “Rest, pequeña,” I gently ordered. “Let me take care of you for a while.”
A small smile pulled at her lips. It was rare I called her little one in my language, but she loved it when I did. Which was why I reserved it for these moments, when she needed just an extra hint of my love for her.
And I did love her. Never thought I would ever be capable of the emotion. And the emotion hadn’t grown quickly. It was a slow build. I’d always cared for her, and if something had ever happened to her, I would have mourned her, but I would have moved on with my life.
But the moment I saw her holding our son in her arms, I fell head over heels in love with her. There was no more wondering, no more second-guessing. Seeing her hold Antonio, her hair matted with sweat, her face red with exertion, her eyes so tired she could barely keep them open, she’d snatched my heart right out of my chest and shoved it inside of her own, stealing it.
I’d divorced my wife and sent her back to live with her parents so they could deal with her. I had what I wanted: an heir. And I had an amazing, strong-willed woman as his mother. I had no need for a wife anymore that couldn’t give me what I needed.
And now, if anyone tried to take Elaina from me, I’d slaughter them. My world began and ended with her. I was so obsessed with her, so protective, so fucking possessive, that I always kept a working chip inside her body that was replaced every thirty days. It was a painless process for her, and she never once complained when I had it done.
She was mine—mine and Joey’s—and Hell would rain upon the person who ever dared to even think the wrong thought about her.
I was nothing without my queen.
And if that little fucking group that attacked one of my homes thought they could touch her or my son, they had another thing coming.
Elaina was worse the next day, and I was in a bad fucking mood because of it. Everyone, even Whiler, who was normally the jokester no matter what situation we were in, was keeping a wide berth. And that was saying something because usually, that fucker couldn’t take a goddamn hint.
“Brother,” Ink called from behind the bar, holding toddler snacks in his hand, “you need to fucking go in that room with Elaina until you’re in a better mood.”
Who the fuck did he think he was talking to?
I narrowed my eyes at him, working my jaw around for a moment so I wouldn’t blow a gasket. “Watch your fucking tone with me,” I warned him, setting my pen down on top of the books I was pouring over. I was afraid I was going to snap it and send black ink all over my paperwork if I didn’t release my grip on it.
He came out from behind the bar, not the least bit intimidated by me, which I would normally consider a good thing since he was my VP. I needed someone who could take my shit and dish it back out at me and keep me in line. But I hated it when I just wanted to be left the fuck alone.
Normally, Alejandro helped keep me in line since he knew I wouldn’t start shit with him in fear of upsetting Elaina, but he wasn’t here—had to go deal with some more shit. And he was still being tight-lipped about it all, which was pissing me off.
Alejandro was never tight-lipped about shit he was dealing with, which only left me wondering if Elaina and Antonio were in danger, and he was trying to do damage control before anything could touch them.
“Joey, you’re not doing anyone any fucking good by being out here, miserable, hardly able to sit with that stick shoved so far up your ass.” I clenched my jaw, trying to keep my temper reined in, but Ink was pushing all the right buttons to make me explode. “Go,” he told me, jerking his head in the direction of the hall. “I’ll put the books in the safe.”
“Joey, just fucking go,” he told me, beginning to get angry, too. “I’ll take care of Antonio if he wakes up, and when Alejandro gets back, I’ll have him take over. But just get out of here before you and I end up throwing fists.”
I arched a brow at him as I stood. “That a threat, VP?” God, I fucking hoped it was. I could do with a round in the ring right about then.
He shrugged at me, not backing down. “You want it to be, Joey? I’m trying to look out for not only you but for this club, too. You and I going at each other’s throats just because you’re having a rough day isn’t what anybody needs. So, just go lay down with Elaina and spend some time with her. You’ll feel better after.”