Page 8 of Doctor Sinful
“She didn’t have kids until she got with her doctor husband.”
“Her little brother and sister are practically her kids since she’s been raising them. I’ve told you several times you need to come to the company picnics so you can meet her. You’d like her. She’s a lot like you in some ways.”
I chuckle and get up from my chair. “There is a party on Monday. Come with us?”
“Fine. If I must.” She huffs and stands too. “Get your ass to work before JD makes decisions without you.” Her laugh settles me, and I don’t question her further about her interest in Karston.
* * *
“What’s eating at you?” JD’s voice breaks me from my thoughts as I stare out the window of the ambulance.
“That’s not what I heard.”
I turn to look at him. His extremely blue eyes look stark against his darker skin tone and are focused on me as he turns from the road for a moment. My eyes are an ice blue, but his are brighter than mine and the girls fall at his feet for them.
“What did you hear?” I grit my teeth. We’ve been on shift for almost six hours, and I know I’ve been grumpier than normal. He and I are usually joking around, but currently I have an attitude like Karston, the old man of our midnight’s group. He’s always in a bad mood, but lately he’s been worse. I guess I’m contending with him currently. I can’t keep Syn out of my head. If I can’t get her to be exclusive and under contract with me on Tuesday, I don’t know what I’m willing to do. Sacrifice my membership? Maybe.
“I heard from Boz that you walked some hottie out of the club the other night.”
Most of the club stuff is exclusive and not shared, but Boz, JD, and I have known each other since peewee hockey. There are very few secrets between the three of us. Boz won’t give names just gossip, such as this. He saw me with a hottie. The biggest nugget of information here is the fact I walked her out. JD knows the significance of that. He’s a whip-master at the club and currently doesn’t do more than whip others. He hasn’t had a sub in so long or even a fuck buddy. That is one of the secrets our group has. He holds that one tight to the vest.
“Yep.” I pop thepand turn back to looking out the window until a call comes in and we get busy. I’m not going to give him any information. I don’t know what to say for the most part.
* * *
“Happy Labor Day,” Jas says as she leans in to kiss my cheek. Her husband growls, and I laugh as I tease him by twisting her around and holding on to her tighter.
“Let her go, now, jerk face.” His voice comes across with extra venom. He’s trying to watch his cussing as he has one hand on his newborn son’s car seat and the other holding on to Jas’s little seven-year-old sister, Raqi.
“Just kidding, Ryan.” I chuckle again and swing toward my sister. “This is my sister, Lorelei.” I introduce her, and she reaches out and shakes hands with Jasmin and Ryan. “You know the gang.” I wave to my boys. All of them are on their cells, and I hate that they have them. “Boys, rules.” I remind them that they can’t be on them.
“But, Dad, Bas is asking about fun things to do today. His mom has no clue,” Hays complains.
“You know the rules, bud.”
“Fine. Hey, Jasmin.” He waves at her.
“Hey, kiddo, how’s hockey?” she asks all three of them.
“Practice for us starts tomorrow,” Dyne offers before he smacks Hays on the shoulder, and they take off across the park. JD and Karston move to stand with us. All four of us have been a team for a while now. With Jasmin on maternity leave, it’s strange not to have her working with us.
Every year Eastport Ambulance Service has an end of the summer picnic on Labor Day. This year they are having it at Eastport Park.
“Congratulations on the new baby. May I see?” Lorelei asks as she looks toward the baby seat. Jasmin goes to grab him from Ryan.
“Let me. You shouldn’t be lifting anything.” He turns the carrier around and we all look into the baby seat.
“He’s a cutie. Can’t decide who he looks more like though. By the way, you look good for just having him.” Lorelei waves a hand up and down Jasmin’s body. Jas normally would be wearing dark Gothic sexy clothes, but she’s dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of denim shorts that look like the edges were cut instead of bought. It’s different and takes me aback for a moment. I wonder if her husband finally got his way with her dress.
“Thank you. I feel like I can’t get enough sleep, even though Ryan is constantly helping. And I can’t wait until I can fit in my normal clothes again. I’m between maternity and regular sizes. Oh, and don’t get me started on nursing.” She laughs. “Come on, let’s go sit down. I thought you were a figment of your brother’s imagination until now. I want all the tea on him.” Jas takes Lorelei’s hand and moves toward the picnic tables. I notice that Ryan must have brought a nicer chair for Jas to sit in.
“Well, Ryan, when you gonna let me have my partner back?” Karston asks in his scratchy voice. He moved here from Texas and has a touch of a Southern accent.
“Not sure. She wants to continue one night a week, but we’ll have to see how Grant takes to bottles too. Then there’s Leif bugging for her to come back to the shop. He dropped off some books yesterday for her to go over.”
“How are you doing?” I thump him on the back.