Page 7 of Doctor Sinful
I pull up to the school as a white car that looks a lot like Syn’s pulls away. It doesn’t have the paper plate but an actual one and I shake my head. I can’t get her out of my head and it’s driving me crazy. Now I have to deal with my boys, and I’m pissed. Fighting is not tolerated. They will be running laps around the yard when we get home.
They look up when I stomp into the office, and I cringe when I see Hayden’s face.
“Hays, what the hell happened?” I demand. A boy seated across from them chuckles. He stops laughing when I turn on him and glare.
“Mr. Myer, this boy jumped Hayden.” The principal points to the boy who was just laughing. “Holdyn and their friend, Sebastian, jumped in to protect him. As I already explained to Dr. St. James, Sebastian’s mom, I’m only suspending your sons and Sebastian for tomorrow. They can return on Tuesday after the holiday. As for Billy, he will be suspended longer for starting the fight and bullying.”
“Bullying?” I turn to the boy and give him the evil eye again. “You need to burn off some energy, I’m sure the janitor can find something for you to do.”
“Excuse me, that’s my son,” a voice I recognize says. I turn to see Hilary, one of the moms on the opposing hockey team. She’s been asking me out for years now. I turn her down because I know what she wants and she ain’t going to get it. Definitely not now that I have Syn.
“Come on, boys.” I wave my fingers at them. “I have to get you cleaned up and fed before I have to work tonight.” They jump up and move toward me. As I step around Hilary, she touches my arm and I pull back from her.
“Come on, Trevor, let’s take all the boys out. Show them bygones be bygones.”
“No thank you. Lorelei has dinner cooking already.” She knows Lorelei is my sister and is usually at all the practices. I make the games though.
I load the boys up into my truck and head off toward home.
“Hays, are you okay?” I ask as I look at him in the rearview mirror.
“I’m okay, Dad. If you could just fix my nose.” I nod in response.
“What really happened?” Hayden is my soft soul, as I call him. He cares about everyone and everything. He’s more sensitive than his brothers.
“Billy was calling Bas names and I told him to stop. When the gym teacher turned his back, he literally jumped on top of me.” Billy is bigger than my boys, who are also big for their age.
“Who is Bas?”
“He’s the new boy who just moved here. His mom was able to get him on our team, so we’ll be playing hockey together. He played back in Boston, where he lived before moving here. He’s neat. His grandma comes to pick him up, but we saw his mom today.”
“She’s really pretty, Dad,” Holdyn supplies, and I just shake my head. He’s been listening to Lorelei too much and thinks I need to start dating. “I’m serious, Dad, she’s hot, as they call it.”
“Dyne, I’m not interested,” I grumble. After the last couple of days, I’m only interested in one woman, and she’s a perfect Syn.
When we get home, I get Hays cleaned up and set his nose. We have dinner and before I head off to work, I take the boys out back to run some drills to prepare them for hockey practice starting after the Labor Day holiday.
Lorelei works weekends and I have them off. She’s a bartender at an uppity bar. They pay her a good hourly wage, and she makes really nice tips. I don’t have to worry about her, but she has been acting weird herself lately. After I run a couple drills with the boys, I move to the deck and sit in one of the Adirondack chairs next to my sister. She takes a long drink from the glass of clear liquid in her hand.
“Is that water or vodka?” I joke with her.
“Not drinking.” She doesn’t say more as she continues to look off at the bay in the distance.
“You going to tell me what’s eating at you?”
“Nope. Who are you working with tonight?”
“JD, as always.” I chuckle. She knows this. JD and I have been partners for two years and friends for longer.
“Who is Karston’s partner now that his girlfriend is on maternity leave?” Her words are said quietly, but I still turn to look at her. She has a look like she sucked on a lemon.
“Karston wasn’t dating Jas. He thought of her as an annoying little sister. Why?”
She calms but only slightly. “He was always running off to take care of her.”
“Not really. We all helped Jas because, like me, she was a single parent until she got with Ryan.”