Page 20 of Doctor Sinful
“You got him in the end,” Erika says. “He had you collared and a ring on your finger before you could say ‘What.’” She laughs.
“Well, yours married you within forty-eight hours.” Jasmin flips her hand out, and I look at the necklace she’s wearing. It is a collar. Then I see the one around Erika’s neck. They both catch me looking.
“You want one, don’t you?” Jasmin asks.
“Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.” Erika laughs harder.
“I’m serious. I don’t need one. I have Bas and my life at the hospital. I’m still trying to find a house. Man, I saw the perfect one as I was out driving around over the weekend. It was so beautiful, but it wasn’t for sale.”
“Where was it?” Jasmin asks, and I tell her.
“Wow, that’s really close to my house and not far from—” She stops and smacks her hand over her mouth. “Ryan was saying we should come to one of Bas’s hockey games. When is his next one?”
“Saturday.” I tell her the time, ignoring the fact she changed the subject. We make plans to meet up there.
* * *
As I sit in the arena, I’m trying to prepare myself to see Emersyn again. Every weekend I see her, and every time it gets worse. She sits all the way on the opposite side of the ice so she doesn’t have to sit near us.
“Let’s sit over here.” I hear Jasmin’s voice and look down to see her leading Ryan, Emersyn, and Cynthia all in.
They sit down a section over from us. Ryan gives me the stink eye, but I’m openly staring at my girl. She’s so beautiful. Her long thick hair is in waves down her back. She’s wearing her glasses today instead of contacts. She’s in skintight black jeans and tall knee boots. Her tan top has long sleeves and a zipper pulled down from her collar to well between the swell of her breasts. My mouth waters wanting them. She sits down and Jasmin sits next to her. They are laughing and chatting. Ryan sits behind them with Cynthia next to him and his little boy in his car seat between them. Cynthia is cooing over the baby. A few minutes later the doors open again and Koda steps in with Raqi running beside him. He got his license a few weeks ago, and I’ve seen him out and about driving. Their house isn’t far from mine.
“Can I call you Auntie Emmy?” Raqi asks Emersyn.
“Of course, sweetheart.” My girl smiles down at her. “I need a niece to corrupt.” They all laugh.
I’ve heard that Bas calls Ryan his uncle. I’m still not sure what their relationship is to each other. Karston said Ryan was a basket case when he and Tommy had wheeled Emersyn into the ER after her attack. He wasn’t quite as bad as he was with Jas but close. According to Karston, Ryan even told the other physician on duty they had to treat her because he couldn’t.
The match is about to start. Hays still hasn’t been cleared to play, so he’s sitting on the bench. Today’s game is against the team his bully is on. The thought crosses my mind as I get a strong whiff of perfume and sneeze. Emersyn turns to look at me, and I watch her face fall as Hilary sits next to me and touches my arm.
“Where are we going to dinner tonight?” Hilary asks, and I look at her in shock.
“What?” Brooklyn says from next to me. He stands and moves to sit with Koda. Damn it, there went my buffer.
“Where are you taking me tonight?” she says loud enough for others to hear. I look at Emersyn, but she won’t look at me. Ryan, however, is shooting daggers at me.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about. I’m not taking you out. Never asked you and never will.” My voice booms. I want Emersyn to hear, don’t need her to get the wrong impression.
Emersyn turns to look back at Ryan, and Jasmin is now giving me the evil eye. Jas stands up as I hear Emersyn ask if they can move.
“No, we aren’t moving because he’s being a dumbass,” Ryan says, and I glare at him.
“How could you?” Jasmin is standing in front of me now. “She’s a sweet person, and you are being an idiot. You know Ryan is faithful to me.”
“Go sit down, little girl. You already took a sexy doctor, you don’t need a piece on the side.” Hilary doesn’t know how close to death she is as Jasmin looks at her with venom in her eyes.
“You’re just jealous. You can’t get any man in this town because you’ve either already fucked them and it was bad or because they know how fake your boobs are.” Jasmin turns to move away.
“Slut,” Hilary spits.
“Don’t ever call her that again.” Emersyn is up and in Hilary’s face. “You are a bitch who is raising a bully. You have so much Botox in your face, you can’t share a true emotion. Jasmin is happily married to a sexy doctor, and you won’t ever get yourself one.”
I can’t stand her defending Ryan.