Page 19 of Doctor Sinful
A laugh leaves me and both women look in my direction. They smile at me, but the guy must think I’m laughing at him. “It’s not funny. She could hurt herself or the baby,” he growls, and I reach up to brush the tears from my eyes.
“I’m so sorry. I was just thinking you are perfect for Ryan.” I wave my hand at Jasmin. “You’re beautiful and probably drive him crazy in your outfit. When I was in high school, I tried for a grunge phase and he went out of his mind.” I start laughing again.
“He told me.” She laughs, and I’m so glad she understands. “You two were pretty close,” she says as she moves toward me.
I pull her into my body and hug her. “Congratulations. I can’t wait to see the little man.” My voice is soft, and I hope she knows how happy I truly am. I haven’t gone to see him yet because I’ve been trying to keep my distance. I didn’t want people to start the rumors again. Ryan and I have faced them for years.
“Come by for dinner, bring Bas. Ryan can’t stop talking about him,” she says, and I smile at her before turning to her friend.
“You must be Erika.” I hold out my hand to her.
She looks down at my hand and cocks her head to the side, her hip popping out. “Only shake my hand if you’ve never slept with Ryan. If Jas won’t ask, I will.” Her voice has some grit to it and a slight accent.
“Nope. Ew.” I don’t explain more as I take her hand and shake it.
“Cool. So, what are you thinking of getting.” She smiles at me and shrugs her shoulders at Jas. “Can’t blame me for asking.”
The big guy holds out his hand to me. “Grayson.” His voice is gruff, but not like Trevor’s. I miss him. But for his family’s safety and the fact he hurt me, I won’t go there. Her question brings him up though. The memories of all his new school comic art on his body makes me want to get something like that, but I don’t.
“I’m thinking of getting a rose on my forearm with the word ‘family’ in the stem.” I don’t explain why because I’m not ready to share how much I miss my dad. How much my family means to me.
“Let’s get started.”
I pull off my jacket and scarf. I’m not wearing it for warmth but decoration. My shell top is perfect for doing the forearm tattoo.
“So, what was Ryan like growing up?” Jas asks as soon as I’m seated.
“He was determined to be more than his father. To be a better doctor and to step out of that shadow. My dad used to say one day Ryan was going to realize he didn’t have to be so serious and would excel then.” The memory causes my chest to ache.
“Your dad and his father were friends?”
“No, they hated each other with a passion. We moved to Boston right before my dad died. My mom thinks if we’d left Chicago sooner and got away from Brent, he’d still be alive.”
“Who’s Brent?” Erika asks, and I look between her and Jasmin.
“That was Ryan’s father,” I answer.
“How did your parents meet?” Jas asks.
I smile and look down at what Erika is doing. I tell her what I told Trevor all those weeks ago.
“I miss my parents too,” she says when I’m done, and I reach out with my other hand to pat hers.
“Ryan told me. He also told me how much you pushed against him about being in a relationship.” I chuckle.
“Like you with Trevor,” she quips back, and my smile fades.
“My ex was an asshole. I don’t want to go through that again. I don’t have the energy for it.”
“Trevor doesn’t play games. You’re the first girl he’s been with for longer than a night since I’ve known him.” She pats my hand this time.
“He drives me crazy.” I decide I really do need to talk to someone about him. “He thinks Ryan and I have slept together. Doesn’t trust me or what we told him.” I pause and bite my lip. “But Bas cares about him. I’ve never seen Bas like that with anyone. Well, other than Ryan.”
“Men can be stupid sometimes,” Erika adds as she looks up at her husband, who is seated at the counter with a laptop. He looks up with a bashful smile. “Mine decided to hide the fact he was the owner of a casino.”
“Still got you in the end.” He chuckles.
“I lied to Ryan about my siblings.”