Page 40 of Her Demon Daddy
It feels like I wrench the confession of love out of my own chest, prying open my ribs with my hands in order to lie my heart bare at Asmodeus’ feet.
And he says nothing.
And that says it all.
My footsteps echo as I climb up the dungeon steps, but Asmodeus’ haughty silence is much louder. Some part of me expected him to…what? Apologize? Plead for me to stay?
Tell me he loves me?
Gods, but my throat burns. Furious tears prick at the corners of my eyes, and I swipe them roughly away on my sleeve. I should have known better. The only thing that matters to Asmodeus is Asmodeus – that’s why he’s imprisoned.
I’m a fool to think he’d care for me even a fraction as much.
“Greetings once again, my human friend,” a dark, silky voice purrs as I reach the top of the dungeon steps.
A guard bows low before he slides the door to the dungeon shut, and the bow isn’t for me. The true King of the demons, Vag’thimon, grins so that his sharp teeth gleam.
“It doesn’t look like you’ve had a pleasant visit. He has always been the jealous type.”
I am so sick of being a pawn. Without thinking, my feet carry me forward until I’m close enough to push a finger against his broad chest if I wanted to.
His personal guard of trolvor hiss and step between us, but Vag’thimon waves them away, unconcerned.
“He’s your cousin,” I snap, too furious to care about any propriety. What’s he going to do, throw me in a dungeon? At this point, I’m more at home in a room of cold stone and no windows than anywhere else. “And I’m not just some toy you both get to fight over.”
It’s shameful, but the pain in Asmodeus’ eyes before he shrugged on his cold, indifferent demeanor actually warmed me. I don’t like seeing him hurt, but it was proof, for a moment, that he cared.
He doesn’t. At least not for me – I could be anyone, really. All demons are territorial, and for his own cousin to steal his…his…
What am I to him, anyway? Just a plaything to pass the time?
“You should be grateful.” Vag’thimon rocks back on his heels, appraising me slowly. “I said all that for your sake.”
“My sake?” I am so sick of these demons and their mind-games. “How—”
“Now you know the truth.” His lips curve once more. “He loves you.”
My traitorous heart leaps. I have to look away. I can’t stand how his eyes look at me, like they’re seeing my own thoughts.
“Do you enjoy lying to everyone? Is that how you pass the time here?”
His trolvor are unamused, but Vag’thimon takes my barb in stride. “It’s no lie. If he didn’t care for you, he would have refused to speak to you. I know my cousin well. Even after my stunt, he listened to you. Confided in you. Who else has he told the truth about Galmoleth? He never would have breathed a word of it to me.”
I open my mouth, but no sound comes out.
“Walk with me to your chambers,” he orders. His voice is smooth and amiable, but he speaks like there’s no question of my obedience.
Part of me wants to cross my arms like a child and refuse, just to spite him, but he’s still talking. And gods help me, I want to hear what else he has to say.
He’s just like every other demon, plying me with shit I want to hear. After what he pulled with Asmodeus, it’s clear to see that he’s a manipulative, conniving fuck.
But I’m weak and foolish and tired of standing in this empty antechamber, so I walk beside him, flanked by trolvor who sneer whenever I glance in their direction.
“He doesn’t love me.”