Page 52 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
Just like him, we could fucking play dirty, too.
And just as we had promised her, once this shit was taken care of, we were taking her far away from here. We were getting her out of this fucking town and away from all the hell surrounding her here.
This had gone on for too long. Sure, it would suck to start from scratch, but I could do it. I could rebuild my clientele.
“Done,” Lincoln whispered. He slid out from under the car and stood up to his feet. We quickly slipped back into the cover of darkness and walked back to my car, which was parked a mile up the road in front of West’s house that she had inherited from her mom.
“Going to work?” I asked him.
Lincoln nodded. “Shouldn’t be long before we get news of the explosion,” he quietly informed me. He looked up at the moonless sky for a moment. “Seeing her like that earlier—” he shook his head, “that shit tore me the fuck up,” he admitted.
“Yeah, me, too,” I grumbled. “I fucking hate seeing her like that. She’s been fighting to survive for so goddamn long. She deserves a break.”
“I meant what I said, Jessie,” Lincoln told me. “I’m taking her the fuck away from here. Wherever the fuck she wants to go, that’s where we’re going.”
I nodded in agreement. “She’s been suffering too long, Lincoln. We have to get her the fuck out of this place as soon as possible.” Did I know where we were going yet? Not a clue. But I wouldn’t break our word to her.
The sound of an explosion sounded through the air. I could see the fire burning near Jayden’s place. Lincoln laughed. “Guess we can go tune in to the gossip page on social media,” he commented as we continued walking. “Doubt there’s anything left of him.”
That had worked a hell of a lot faster than I thought it would. Only mere minutes, really. I hadn’t expected to hear anything until tomorrow afternoon.
“Good fucking riddance,” I mumbled. It was time to get home to my woman and cuddle with her, and I knew Lincoln felt the same way I did.
I tightened my hand around my coffee cup, unable to rip my gaze from the television in front of me.
Jayden Falcon was pronounced dead at the scene of an explosion in front of his home last night. His little brother, Luke Falcon, was also found dead at the scene.
I couldn’t fucking believe my eyes. It was too…unreal.
Lincoln wrapped his arms around me from behind and pressed a tender kiss to my temple. “You good, baby?” he softly asked me, not even bothered by what the news reporter was saying.
I turned to face him, my eyes also moving to Jessie when he stepped into the room. I stepped back from Lincoln and set my coffee cup down, my hands shaking so badly that I was terrified I was going to drop the cup on the carpet.
“What did you two do?” I whispered, my eyes moving between my two men.
“Caffeine is bad for the baby,” Jessie stated as he looked over at my coffee cup.
Was he fucking for real right now?
“Fucking answer me!” I shrieked.
Jessie sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “We promised you that you weren’t going to fucking prison,” Jessie told me bluntly. “We’ve never fucking lied to you, West.”
My heart lodged in my throat. Oh, God. They did this for me. And while they might seem romantic to some, I was terrified for them. “What if you two get caught?” I demanded. I clenched my jaw, swallowing vomit. “You two could go to prison, and then what? All of this shit would have been for nothing.”
“Not nothing,” Lincoln snapped at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. I was in the mood for a fucking fight. “I wasn’t about to let anyone fucking take you from us, West. Jessie and I have lost you once—we aren’t going through that shit again.”
“Someone could have seen you,” I snarled.
“But no one did,” Jessie carelessly spoke as he crossed his muscular arms over his chest. “We were smart about it, West.”
I threw my arms up in the air. “I can’t fucking believe you two,” I snapped. I spun on my heel and headed for the hallway. “Go to work—both of you. I want to fucking be alone.” And I should be able to have that now that Jayden was taken care of.
“Like hell,” Lincoln snarled.
I slammed my bedroom door behind me. Jessie burst into my room, Lincoln hot on his heels. “Woman, I am not fucking letting you do this shit,” Jessie growled at me. “We’re not people you can turn your back on—remember that.”
“I’ll turn my back on you two whenever I damn well want to,” I sneered up at him.