Page 51 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
I shoved away from Lincoln and stormed further into the garage, an enraged scream leaving my lips. I thrust my hands through my hair, yanking on the strands. “He’s not fucking getting away with this shit, West. You were a fucking kid,” Jessie growled a few feet behind me.
I turned to face them. “I killed Orlando that night,” I bitterly told my two men. Both of them watched me with unreadable eyes. “What—you wanted me to fucking deny it?” I demanded. “It was a fucking accident. I didn’t realize I’d cut his brake fluid line. He had no fucking way of stopping safely, and he wrapped his car around the fucking tree. I might not have been holding a damn gun to his head, but I killed him nonetheless.”
I’d been burying it for so long. Had blocked it from my brain. But Jayden’s threat brought it all back to the surface.
Crazy what the brain was capable of doing.
Lincoln looked over at his best friend. “Get a fucking lawyer,” Lincoln told him. “There’s no fucking way in hell we’re losing her—not fucking again.”
“You can’t stop this!” I yelled at Lincoln.
“Like fuck I can’t,” he growled at me. “How old were you when it fucking happened, West?” he demanded to know.
“I just turned fifteen,” I told him.
“You were a kid. He took advantage of a kid. We can twist that shit, turn it on him, and he’ll be the one going to prison.”
I released a bitter laugh. “I think you’re forgetting the part where this entire fucking town hates me,” I bitterly reminded him. “I’m fucking doomed. I’m stuck in a never-ending cycle of a tiny bit of freedom and being behind bars.”
“Stop that shit,” Jessie snapped at me.
“Stop denying the fucking obvious truth!” I yelled at him.
My phone went off in my pocket. I pulled it out, glaring down at the message in front of me.
You have twenty-four hours to change your mind before I blast this video, sweetheart.
“I have twenty-four hours before he posts the video,” I told them, tears burning in my eyes. “I have twenty-four more hours of freedom.” Those tears slowly slid down my cheeks. I dropped my phone to the floor and covered my face with my hands, not even caring about the phone. Not like I was going to need it in twenty-four hours. “I’m so tired of this,” I cried. “I’ll never get to be a proper mom. I’m going to carry this baby for nine months, only for it to be ripped from me.”
Lincoln drew me into his arms and turned me so my back was pressed against the front of his body. Jessie gripped my face in his hands and tilted my head back so I was forced to look up at him. “We are not losing you again, baby girl,” he fiercely swore. “Not now, not ever fucking again. And when this shit is cleared up, we will take you far away from here so you never have to deal with this town and the assholes in it ever again.”
“Don’t make those kind of promises,” I begged him, tears thick in my voice. “I can’t fucking take it.”
Lincoln brushed his lips to my neck. “Have I ever broken a promise to you, baby?” Lincoln asked me. I shook my head and sobbed. “Trust me,” he whispered.
“I want to,” I cried. “But this—nothing can fix this.”
Jessie clenched his jaw before he moved away from me and closed the garage doors. Lincoln yanked my shirt over my head and unclasped my bra, dropping them both to the floor. Jessie quickly yanked my boots and socks off before he pulled my jeans and panties down my legs.
Sometimes, it astounded me how well they read each other.
“If you’re so fucking determined that you’re going to prison tomorrow, then we’re all going to have one last time together,” Lincoln told me.
I sobbed, more tears sliding down my cheeks. Jessie lifted me up and set me on the empty work table. Lincoln molded his lips with mine while Jessie kneeled between my legs. My tears mixed with our lips, and I moaned softly, slowly losing myself in my men.
I arched my back off the work table when Jessie slowly slid inside of me. Lincoln softly growled as he ran his lips over my body all while Jessie slowly made love to me. I never stopped crying, but my men never stopped taking care of me.
“We love you, baby girl,” Jessie told me.
I sobbed. “I love you both, so much,” I whimpered.
I kept watch on our surroundings as Lincoln fiddled around with Jayden’s engine. Like West, he knew how to sabotage an engine to make it look like a simple malfunction.
And we planned on Jayden dying when he started his car in the morning. You didn’t fuck with our woman and live to tell the story.