Page 46 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
“Breathe, West,” he coaxed. A low groan sounded from his lips, and he swayed a little. I quickly placed my hand on his back to steady him. “I’m going to be fine. I’ve been injured way worse than this before.”
I gently gripped her chin, forcing her beautiful eyes to lock on mine. “We made you a promise,” I reminded her. “What was that promise, baby girl?”
“I won’t lose you—either of you,” she repeated.
I nodded and brushed my thumb over her cheek. “He’s not leaving you,” I assured her. “Breathe, baby. Cops are on their way. I need you to lock it up, baby girl.”
Lincoln brushed his lips over her neck. “We’re here, and we’ll protect you, but you need to bring yourself together. Show them how strong our woman is. She’s a fucking survivor.”
Her eyes hardened the tiniest bit, closing herself off. I smiled at her. “There you go.” I looked up when I saw blue flashing lights turn the curve in the road. “They’re almost here.”
She gripped Lincoln’s hoodie in her hands. “I’m not leaving his side.”
Lincoln smoothed his hand down her back. “I need to get checked, baby,” he reminded her. His face was so pale now, it was freaking me out a bit. I had a feeling the only reason he was awake was for her.
She shot her fiery gaze to his face, her eyes narrowed. “I said I’m not leaving your side,” she repeated, her voice hardening.
He smiled at her. “Fuck, I missed that damn fiery personality,” he breathed. She scowled at him, making me release a husky laugh. “West, I’ll be fine, darlin’. Trust me.”
She clenched her jaw. “If something happens to you, Lincoln, I will beat your ass,” she warned him. And I had no doubt that she would definitely try.
He grinned at her before he pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Up,” he ordered as he tapped her ass. “Let Jessie take care of you.”
She gritted her teeth but stood up. I held my hand out to her, and she instantly placed her hand in mine, allowing me to pull her to me. She turned to face the cops and paramedics as they pulled to a stop in front of the garage.
I gently gripped her hips and forced her body back against mine. Lincoln groaned right before his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
“Lincoln!” West screeched, the sound chilling the blood in my veins as she quickly dropped to the floor behind him, catching him before his head could hit the floor again.
Jessie held me on his lap as we sat in Lincoln’s hospital room, waiting on him to wake up. He had a severe concussion and some brain swelling in the back of his head, so he was put in a medically induced coma for at least a couple of days to bring the swelling down.
I felt empty without him now. I didn’t like the feeling inside of me.
Jessie brushed his lips to my temple. “You okay?” he asked me quietly.
Two days had passed since Lincoln had been placed in his coma, and the doctors were still trying to determine if they wanted to leave him under longer or not.
I fucking missed him.
“I want him back,” I whispered, my voice breaking. I was hanging on by a thread.
Jessie tightened his arms around me. “I know you do, baby girl.” He pressed his lips to my temple. “Just give him time. He’s healing.”
I stood up from his lap and moved over to Lincoln’s bed, grabbing his hand in mine. I drew my fingers over his palm, tracing the lines there, running my fingers over his callouses.
I looked up at the doctor as he knocked lightly before stepping into the room. “Well?” I asked quietly.
The doctor shook his head at me. “I’m sorry, Ms. Thompson. We’re looking at another four to seven days.”
I swallowed back my tears as I looked down at Lincoln’s pale face. I cupped his cheek before I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips to his.
“Please get better soon,” I begged him.
I stared at the pregnancy test on the counter, my heart thumping hard in my chest.
I couldn’t be fucking pregnant.
But I was. Both tests clearly read positive.
I had a feeling I was since my period was extremely late and nausea was kicking my ass, but to have it confirmed…
I whimpered, hot tears sliding down my cheeks. My world was crashing down around me. Nothing was going right anymore. I couldn’t fucking take this, too.
Lincoln was still in his coma—had been for the past month. The brain swelling was going down, but it was taking its sweet ass time. Jessie was working extra hours in the garage to keep up with all of the work, and I tried to help out when I could, but Jessie never let me work long, instead telling me to come up here to the hospital so I could sit with Lincoln.