Page 45 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
I sighed when I opened one of the tool boxes, grunting at the mess inside. I never realized how fucking messy I kept this place until I actually spent time organizing it.
Lincoln and I were two disorganized fuckers, that was for sure.
Lincoln was sitting in the chair behind the desk, lacing up his boots when I walked into the office. West was still passed out in bed, soft snores escaping her lips. Lincoln stood up from the chair and grabbed his hoodie, yanking it on over his head. “She’s been in a pretty deep sleep,” he whispered.
I nodded. When West was tired or really emotionally drained, the woman could sleep like the dead.
“I was organizing the tools and shit,” I told him.
Lincoln grunted. “We really need better organization skills.”
I laughed quietly as I nodded my head. “Yeah, we do.” I clapped him on the back. “Come get me if something happens.”
Lincoln nodded and disappeared from the office. I kicked my boots off and headed for the small bathroom, leaving the door open so I could get a shower, desperately needing one, but still making sure West knew where I was if she woke up.
I was just standing under the hot spray of water with my eyes closed when I heard her step into the bathroom. I kept my eyes closed, listening as she pulled her clothes off and stepped into the shower with me.
“Jessie?” she asked softly.
I opened my eyes and looked down at her, my cock instantly going hard at the beautiful sight of her. Her eyes clashed with mine, the color of moss on a damp, summer morning, the bathroom light highlighting the golden flecks in her eyes.
“Thought you were still sleeping,” I commented as I reached up and tucked some of her long, red hair behind her ear. She was in need of dying it again. Her roots were showing badly showing, almost half of it her normal hair color.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked, a frown tugging at her lips.
I drew her into my arms and leaned down to mold my lips with hers. I kissed her softly, slowly. She moaned, wrapping her arms around my neck and plastering her damp body against mine.
“Not angry at you, baby.”
She opened her mouth to say something, but a large crash from the garage interrupted her. I jerked back from her in surprise.
What the fuck was that?
I quickly jumped out of the shower and yanked on a pair of sweats, worry settling in my gut for Lincoln when I didn’t hear him holler anything. I narrowed my eyes at West. “Fucking stay here,” I ordered.
She clenched her jaw. “No.”
“West, fucking do as I say!” I barked at her.
I rushed from the bathroom and out into the garage. Lincoln was lying on the floor unconscious, and a dark figure was quickly disappearing as it ran down the road. I cursed and quickly kneeled next to Lincoln, calling the emergency line on my phone as I did so. Whoever had broken in would have to wait. Lincoln needed help, and West didn’t need to see him like this.
“Lincoln!” West screeched as she rushed over to us. I cursed again. Fuck, I hadn’t wanted her to see him—not like this. She dropped to her knees, her hands reaching up to cradle his face as tears swam in her eyes. “Oh, God,” she whimpered. “Jessie—”
“He’s going to be fine, baby girl,” I soothed. I just hoped I wasn’t fucking lying to her. I was hanging on by a thread, and that was only because she needed me to be strong for her. I was worried as fuck about Lincoln.
Lincoln groaned as I began to speak to the dispatcher, alerting them that someone had broken into my garage and that Lincoln had been knocked unconscious for a moment, but was regaining his senses.
“Fuck,” he croaked, his face screwed up in pain.
“Lincoln?” West sniffled.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at her. “Fuck, babe, don’t cry.” He reached up and brushed her tears from her cheeks. “I’m okay,” he tried assuring her, but we both knew that was a lie. He was far from okay.
“I can’t take it if something happens to you,” she told him, her voice breaking.
After the dispatcher told me help was on the way, I hung up and helped ease Lincoln into a sitting position. He gagged and quickly shut his eyes. West ran her eyes over him as she gripped his shoulders.
“Fuck, my head is pounding,” Lincoln groaned.
I clenched my jaw and moved behind him to inspect his head. Blood was trickling down the back of his neck, and his blonde hair was matted with it.
“Bro, don’t freak, but you’re bleeding,” I told him. I looked at West at the same time he did. She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, her body shuddering. Lincoln drew her onto his lap, forcing her to straddle his legs as he held her to him.