Page 41 of The One
He’d been so attentive ever since we left the house, something else I didn’t take too much note of because he’s always like that with me. It’s the damn finger down my lip and circling my mouth while gazing into my eyes that did it, I think. “Some of your chocolate got on my thumb; lick it off.” Even his voice was as smooth as the silky sweet treat, and I did as he said, cleaning his finger of any trace of the decadent dessert.
And then he’d kissed me right there, for the whole world to see. By the time he paid the bill, my knees were wobbly, and I’d forgotten all about our bet. He held my hand all the way home in the car, held me close as we walked up the steps, then took me in his arms as soon as the door closed behind us, shutting out the rest of the world.
Now here I am, mouth full of cock, ass up as I crouched between his thighs while he laid back against the pillows watching me with that evil ass glint in his eyes. “Please, Mace, you only have to put it in a little bit.”
If I laugh, she might bite my dick, but it’s close. “Put what where babe? Why don’t you finish what you’re doing?” She put her all into it, making love to my dick with her hands and mouth until it dripped precum on her tongue, which she swallowed like life-giving water before going back for more.
I had all intentions of holding out on her just to make her sweat, but then I’d be depriving myself as well. She wasn’t the only one affected by our little love play at dinner. When my dick was as hard as he was going to get and could barely fit in her mouth anymore, I took pity on both of us and threw her to her back. Before she could draw her next breath, I was balls deep inside her.
Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her body jerked as she came hard. I waited for her to come down a little before I started fucking into her with long deep strokes that hit bottom. She turned her head to offer up her neck when I lowered my head to take her flesh between my teeth, but I moved my lips to her ear instead.
“You owe me a hundred bucks.” She bucked and tried throwing me off, but her pussy had other ideas. Have you ever fight-fucked a lush girl? There’s nothing like it in the world. “Just like that, fight baby, give it all you’ve got.” She tried burning me with a glare, but her hips were still struggling to meet mine. Just to dick with her, I planted my dick and stopped all movement.
“Who’re you looking at like that?” She moved her hips every which way, but I held firm until she growled at me and pinched my side. “Either shit or get out the pot.”
“If that’s what you want.” I pretended to hop off and almost lost my dick.
She wrapped her thick thighs around my ass as her arms went around my neck and held me on lock. “I’ll pay you later.” This freaking girl.
“What am I gonna do with you, huh?” She wiggled her hips and grinned up at me, all that beauty and sass just sucking me in deeper.
The atmosphere went from a hundred to fifty in a split second. My dick didn’t soften, my lust didn’t wane, but my heart took over where it hadn’t before. She noticed the change, too, and the smile slipped off her face as we stared at each other wordlessly before my lips met hers in the softest kiss we’d shared this night.
My dick caught on quick, and instead of the pounding thrusts I’d been subjecting her to, he teased and stroked as if she were the most precious thing. It can’t be safe or even sensible to show this side of myself to a woman I’d only just met, but I couldn’t; no, I didn’t want to pull back; it didn’t seem right.
The moment was rife with something more potent than sex, something that came from deep within both of us, and without sharing a word, it was as if we both knew what the other was feeling, thinking, and wanting. I almost gave her the words but caught myself just in time. Not now, not yet; there has to be more; she deserves more.
When I came in her this time, it wasn’t with volatile lust or burning passion. It was sweet and soft and full of the love I couldn’t help but show her, if only with my body. I knew even before I rolled off of her that our relationship had changed, and the way she clung as we cuddled told me she knew it too.